Wynford Reynolds and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, David Curry
' Nature Fulfilled'
Talk by Dr. Leslie Cooke and a carol
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Piano Tnjo in F, Op. 80
1 Duetto (Fantasy Pieces, Op. 88 No. 3) played by the Judy Hill Trio
by Errol MacKinnon
The speaker talks about his wartime discovery of Newfoundland. The country became for him, a Canadian, what John Cabot had called it in 1497, 'my new-founde-land.'
Records of music for strings, including the Hoiberg Suite
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
Answered by Eric Hobbis, Ralph Wightman, and Maxwell Knight
Question-Master, Jack Longland
(The recorded broadcast of October 18)
on gramophone records
From the headquarters of the. British Sailors' Society, East London
Candy Cousins, Bill Maynard, Vanessa Lee, Eric Barker
James Moody at the piano
Harold Smart at the organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Denis Matthews (piano)
The story of the formation and grbwth of the English Bowling Association, which this year celebrates its Golden Jubilee
Those taking pant include:
Bob Kirkland , Jubilee Year President; Francis Burton , E.B.A. President, 1954; Wally Guiver , Hc.nora.ry Life
_ Member; Sir Edward Hodgson , former
President; Sam Walpole , Secretary, London and Southern Counties B.A.; Jimmy Carruthers. the Association's first singles champion: and Fred Harvey , Secretary, Midland Counties B.A.
The story written by Roland Orton
Narnaitor, Will Kings
Production by H. Saunders-Jaeobs
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A Chicken Every Week by Geoffrey Sykes
The speaker farms at Laverstock, Wiltshire. He discusses ways and means of producing and marketing chicken which will put it within the reach of everyone's pocket.
with Maurice Denham and Dora Bryan
BBC Men's Chorus
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Horne
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
The New Turkey by John Mair
The Turkish Republic is jus* thirty years old. John Mair , back from a recent visit, discusses its achievements and prospects.
Franz Osborn (piano) A series of programmes including Beethoven's thirty-two sonatas for piano