Ralph Elman and his Bohemian Players
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conductor, David Curry
' Carrying Life's Burdens '
Talks by the Ven. A. P. Shepherd,
D.D., Canon of Worcester
2—' The Burden of Sorrow '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Cyngor y Mpddyg: ' Moelni.'
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
Elizabeth Eriksson (soprano)
Keith Cummings (viola)
The God of Love my Shepherd is
(S.P. 653: Tune, University)
Interlude: 'The Call of the Disciples' Prayers: the Prayer of Thanksgiving; the Lord's Prayer
Lead us. Heavenly Father, lead us
(S.P. 555; A. and M. 281; C.H. 563: Tune, Mannheim)
Regional Variations (2)
I'r Ysgolion: Materion y Dvdd.
by Maurice Hussey
For his own peace of mind, the speaker says, he is determined to cling to his conviction that the earth is flat - no matter what proofs scientists may produce to the contrary. He explains what the earth is like as he sees it and why he prefers it that way; and offers some help, by the way, to the Bureau of Missing Persons.
News commentary
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
Shepherd divine (BBC Hymn Book
New Every Morning, page 90 Psalm 121 (Broadcast psalter) St. Mark 9, vv. 2-13
0 dear and heavenly city (BBC Hymn
Book 251)
Troise and his Banjoliers
music AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie. Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY I. 'Gerald the Welsh-man': a character study of one of the most interesting and outstanding Welshmen of the Middle Ages. Script by Sam Langdon
11.45 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. Listeners are asked to take an active part in this simple French programme.
They can hear Tante Rosine talking to the concierge. Script by Émile Harven
Listeners' requests introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
from a canteen in Edmonton, North London
with Leslie Adams, Cy Grant, Gladys Hay, The Western Brothers
James Moody at the piano
Harold Smart at the organ
Presented by Bill Gates
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Questions of the moment put by members of the audience are discussed spontaneously by Ralph Wightman , Mary Stocks
Graham Hutton , Robert Henriques
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Queen's Hall,
Barnstaple. Devon
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish Affairs.
FOR THE FOURTEENS. Right or Wrong. 3-' It's up to me.' Script by Christine Dudley
2.20 ADVENTURES in music. Handel: last of three illustrated talks by Roger Fiske
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH II. ' The Moon-stone.' by Wilkie Collins , adapted for broadcasting by Penelope Knox. Part 3
from Ely Cathedral
Versicles and Responses (Smith)
Psalm 37 (Oxford Psalter)
First Lesson: Job 4
Earth's mighty maker (E.H. 59)
Magnificat (Byrd, Third Service)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 1, vv. 24-56
Nunc dimittis (Byrd, Third Service)
Creed, Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: O Christ, who art the light and day (Byrd) (words as E.H. 81)
Organist, Dr. Sidney S. Campbell
by David Cleghorn Thomson
The speaker recently made a journey by car down the Spanish peninsula. He found a. new hope and optimism in this land of sun and shadows which has beauty and stark poverty side by side.
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Peter Katin (piano)
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour. Story*; play.
Children's Hour. Story; school choir*-: talk: piano.
Awr y Plant: cystadleuaeth gerddorol: ' Cledwyn Miles ac Arlios y Dynion Eira ': drama dditectif-2.
A nursery sing-song with Doris and Trevor and Nancy Harris at the piano
' Edward's Adventure '
A story by Marion Suckley
Told by Herbert Smith
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour: ' Nature Diary,' by Arnold Benington
Children's Hour: wandering with Nomad, the naturalist.
Music played by the Stoneleigh Junior Orchestra
Conductor, H. Edward Gough
' Where Ant-hills are as high as Lamp-posts': talk by Hugh Barty-King
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News; sport.
News, sport.
News sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
A parade of hit songs from the outstanding musical productions of stage and screen
Introduced and sung by Teddy Johnson with Olga Gwynne
Littlewood's Girls Choir
Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth
Regional Variations (5)
The Three Strausses. BBC Midland Light Orchestra.
As North
Wilfred Pickles in ' Under the Barber's Pole ': play.
'Soiree': an entertainment for older folks.
Another incident in the career of Police-Constable Archibald Berkeley-Willoughby
Script by Alan Stranks
10—' The Case of the Heart of Gold '
Produced by Vernon Harris
(The recorded broadcast of July 7 in the Light Programme)
Regional Variations (5)
Hymn-Singing; St. Thomas' Parish Church Choir; Choir-Master. L. G. Mitchelbourne Symes
Theatre Call: excerpt from ' The Blue Lamp.' From the Grand Theatre. Blackpool.
The Faith in the West, including a description of the meeting of Cornish Churchmen in Truro.
Scotland Sings: Hall Russell Male Voice Choir; the Strilla Singers.
Talk by Dr. Erik Routley ,
Chaplain of Mansfield College, Oxford
Illustrations by the BBC Singers
Organist, Dr. George Thalben-Ball
Dr. Routley writes on page 6
Four feature programmes based on Chester Wilmot 's book and on contemporary documents
I-From Nazi-Soviet Pact to Grand Alliance
Written and narrated by Chester Wilmot
Produced by Laurence Gilliam
In this series of broadcasts the diplomacy. and strategy of rhe Second World War are re-examined in an attempt to discover why Germany was defeated, and how Russia became the dominant power in Europe.
Laurence Gilliam writes on page 5
Past Against Future in Malaya by Alec Peterson
The speaker has just come back from a special mission in Malaya which he was asked to undertake by General Templer. He will return there in a few weeks as Director-General of Information Services.
with Thorley Walters , Norman Shelley and supporting cast
Script by Sid Colin and David Climie
Music composed by Alan Paul and played by Alan Paul and his Music-Makers
(Leader. Max Jaffa )
Production by Audrey Cameron
A series of three talks by Barbara Ward
3—' Partnership between the Nations'
In this talk Barbara Ward affirms her belief in the moral leadership of Britain for the creation of a free world order; but she describes the obstacles that must be overcome if this leadership it to be effective.
Regional Variations (5)
The Ernest Element Quartet: Tom Bromley (piano). Dvorak.
' The McFlannels.'
As North
BBC Northern Orchestra. Dvorak.
Loveridge-Martin-Hooton Trio:
David Martin (violin)
Florence Hooton (cello)
Iris Loveridge (piano)