BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
(Leader, William McInulty)
Conductor, David Curry
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Directed by Tom Jenkins
A talk by the Very Rev. John Tiarks , Provost of Bradford The Bethlehem Story
Why did it happen there ?
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Gwraig y Ty.
Guy Daines and his Orchestra
Ernest Frank (baritone)
Irene Richards (violin)
by Ian Marshall
While doing a-job on the administrative side of an Arts Festival the speaker had opportunities of seeing 'stars' at close quarters and of helping to make their courses smooth.
Records of ' La Mer ' and ' Fetes '
Regional Variations (2)
Gwasanaeth Boreol.
Sing to the Lord a joyful song (BBC
Hymn Book 19)
New Every Morning, page 68 Canticle 6 (Broadcast psalter) Isaiah 11, vv. 1-9
Son of God, eternal Saviour (BBC
Hymn Book 377)
Troise and his Banjoliers
Today's Variety on records introduced by Paul Martin
by Esther Fisher
visits Moygashel a village in County Tyrone
Regional Variations (2)
The McCooeys.'
from a factory in Birmingham
with The Maple Leaf Four, Mary Naylor, Charlie Chester
Harry Engleman at the piano
Presented by,Philip Garston-Jones
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened version of last Saturday's recorded broadcast)
Frank Sinatra , Jane Russell , and Groucho Marx in ' Double Dynamite'
An adaptation from the sound-track of the RKO presentation
Adapted by Gordon Gow
Produced by Thurstan Holland
Sentences, Confession, and Absolution Versicles and Responses (Byrd) Psalms 93, 94
First Lesson: Isaiah 40, vv. 1-11 Antiphon: 0 Radix Jesse
Magnificat (Henry Purcell in G minor) Creed, Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: Rorate coeli desuper
Rorate coeli desuper, et nubes pluant justum: aperiatur terra, et germinet Salvatorem.
Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam: et salutare tuum da nobis.
Veni, Domine, et noli tardare.
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Preludei
Jesus unser Heiland (J. S. Bach)
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Dr. William H. Harris
(Leader, Hugh Bean )
Conductor, Harvey Phillips
John R. Heath , who died a year ago at the' age of sixty-three, was born at Edgbaston, Birmingham, but spent most of his life at Barmouth, North Wales. He was largely self-taught. His Three Pieces for string orchestra have the titles, Overture, Romance, and Rondel. He was also the local GP in Barmouth and the father of Kenneth Heath (cello).
Pamela Harrison, who is the wife of Harvey Phillips, studied at the Royal College of Music with Gordon Jacob and Arthur Benjamin. Her compositions include a number of chamber works and ' Six Poems of Baudelaire,' for tenor and string orchestra, first broadcast last October. ' Suite for Timothy,' which consists of five movements, was written in 1948 for the first birthday of her son Harold Rutland
Regional Variations (6)
As North
Awr y Plant.
Children's Hour: nursery sing-song; competition results.
Children's Hour.
Children's Hour.
' What do you think it looked like?'
.W. R. Dalzell gives the results of the painting competition he set on November 20
5.15 Young Artists Entertain
Eunice Richards (piano)
Margaret Hamlyn (soprano)
' Canadian Christmas '
A talk by Modesta Gentilé 6
Shipping and general weather forecasts, a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is singer Dame Vera Lynn. Show more
Regional Variations (6)
Sports Quiz; talk on problems of the week-end golfer.
As North
Choral Exchange: France.
' Wot Cheor, Geordie! '
Choir Night.
with Cyril Fletcher
Sheila Morgan
Freddie Sales and The Teen-Agers
At the organ, Frank Olsen
At the piano, George Bowie
Recorded in the R.N. and R.M. Canteen Theatre at the Royal Naval Dockyard, Rosyth
Presented by Eddie Fraser
Regional Variations (6)
Sporting Fanfare: discussion from Penzance, Cornwall.
Massed Junior Choirs.
Sound-picture of school life.
Debate between Universities of Birmingham and London. Subject: That the optimist does not read his daily newspaper.
' What is to be Done about Inflation ': talk by A. J. Brown.
String Quartet in G minor played by the Hirsch String Quartet:
Leonard Hirsch (violin) Patrick Hailing (violin) Stephen Shingles (viola) Francisco Gabarro (cello)
Debussy was thirty-one when, in 1893, he produced his only string quartet. Its harmonic originality and unusual atmosphere brought something quite new into chamber music. There is a ' motto ' theme, which dominates the first, second, and fourth movements, and is hinted at in the exquisite slow third movement. H.R.
Regional Variations (5)
Jimmy Logan in ' Jack and the Beanstalk ': a radio pantomime.
Rhaglen nodwedd ar kleptomania.
Light music and stories.
Old-time dancing.
A programme illustrating the administration of justice in the British Courts
The Witness and his Character
The Case of Steinie Morrison
Script and production by John Gough
Raymond Swing , the well-known radio commentator of ' Voice of America,' reflects on his return from Europe
with Sam Costa
Maurice Denham , Diana Morrison
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Regional Variations (3)
Book review.
News from Asia-6
5—Summing Up' by Canon V. A.Demant Previous speakers in this series have approached the- relation between work and taith from different directions. Opening with an account of the biblical doctrine of work, and going on to an examination of the society in which men work and the preparation that can be given, the various problems of finding a faith to work by have been examined. Canon Demant looks back on the series and comments upon the way in which various speakers have helped to supply an answer to the question ' Is there a Christian teaching which can be applied in this generation? '
Regional Variations (3)
Joseph Cooper (piano).-
Christmas Carols
Lilian Duff introduces gramophone records oft French artists
Regional Variations (2)
' The Great Turner a tribute by Eric Westbrook.
Gerik Schjelderup tells the story of a song that conquered the world
A summary of today's proceedings in Paris by the BBC's United Nations correspondent, Bernard Moore.