Jack Nathan and his Band
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A talk by the Very Rev. John Tiarks , Provost of Bradford The Bethlehem Story
Why did it happen then?
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Pamela Petchey (piano)
by Alistair Cooke
Records of ' Poeme dansé: Jeux,' and ' Prelude a l'après-midi d'un faune'
God of grace and God of glory (BBC
Hymn Book 391)
New Every Morning, page 64 Psalm 112 (Broadcast psalter) Isaiah 9, vv. 2-7
Lord, while for all mankind we pray
(BBC Hymn Book 432)
Central Band of the Royal Air Force
(by permission of the Air Council)
Conducted by Wing-Cdr. A. E. Sims O.B.E. , Organising Director of Music
Royal Air Force
and his Orchestra
Eileen Croxford (cello)
Hubert Dawkes (piano)
A song-a-minute selection of popular melodies old and new sung by Benny Lee
Pearl Carr , Harry Dawson
Louise Traill , Johnny Webb and the Keynotes with instrumental accompaniment
Producer, Johnnie Stewart
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie ) Conducted by John Hopkins
A spontaneous discussion by A. G. Street , St. John Ervine
Graham Hutton , John Foot
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From Heathcoat Hall , Tiverton
Shipping and general weather forecasts. a detailed forecast for South-East England
William Aspden reviews some recently published books
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson ,
Jack Train. and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
by Clifton Utley
Nina Milkina (piano)
A summary of the day's proceedings in Paris, by the BBC's United Nations correspondent, Bernard Moore