Band of the Royal Dragoons
Conductor, Mr. Arthur F. Trythall
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
' The Resurrection Story '
1 Corinthians 15, vv. 12-22
Reading and comment by the Rev. Rdchard Tatlock
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Revue Orchestra
(Leader, David Paget )
Conductor, Robert Busby
and his Band with Eve Lombard and Johnny Green
Directed by Henry Krein
The Lord is risen indeed (A. and M
N- Every Morning, page 96
Carol: Moat glorious Lord of life
(S.P. 22)
St. John 11, w. 11-26
Jesus, good above all other (S.P. 540)
The Filimay Light Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whdteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkdns
Trevor Anthony (bass)
Regional Variations (2)
Make Up Your Minds: problem programme
with Harold Berens
Mary Naylor , Harry Locke and the Stargazers
At the organ, Harold Smart
At the piano, James Moody
Recorded at the Royal Marine Depot, Deal
Presented by John Foreman
and forecast tor farmers and shipping
(Shortened version of last Sunday's broadcast in the Light Programme)
Regional Variations (2)
Laganvale Silver Band: Thomas Gunning (tenor).
Munn and Felton's Works Band
Conductor, Stanley H. Boddington
(Soloist, James Scott)
Regional Variations (2)
Listeners' letters.'
Listeners requests Introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
(Leader, Andrew Cooper )
Conductor, Anthony Bernard
Gareth Morris (flute)
Regional Variations (2)
Rugby League Football: Wales v. Other Nationalities.
by Antonia Ridge
Adapted for broadcasting by Patrick Campbell
In the past
The Curé of Virette.Richard Hurndall
Produced by Frederick Bradnum
Regional Variations (4)
As Midland
As Midland.
Children's Hour: including ' The Good Lady of Scutari.' A new play about Florence Nightingale.
* The Scarecrow of Scatterbrook * by Barbara Euphan Todd
7—' Hannah Harrow '
Production by May E. Jenkin
' With Rope and Axe': a talk about Swiss guides, by Cicely Williams
Shipping and general weather forecasts,
Regional Variations (4)
Regional Variations (4)
Sport in the West.
Welsh Sports Bulletin.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Reginald Gibbs
Programme introduced by Frederick Alien
Master of Ceremonies,
A. J. Latimer
Producer, Stanton Jefferies
Regional Variations (3)
Sport in the Midlands.
Sinn Cwsg Ysw (Welsh fantasy.)
Interesting people who are
In Town Tonight interviewed by John Ellison
' Let's Go Somewhere ' with Brian Johnston
Edited and produced by Peter Duncan
Regional Variations (4)
(261 m.) 'Tow Law': Sam Pollock talks about this West Durham village.
The Wooden Leg
As North
by R. A. Close
This is the story of the difficulties that surround personal relationships between foreigners and citizens in a totalitarian country. R. A. Close , who returned from Czechoslovakia last year after four years' residence there, tells the story aa he experienced it.
with Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss
Dr. Crock and his Crackpots
Beryl Reid
Lizbeth Webb
Hal Monty
After the Intermission:
Mario (Harp) Lorenzi
The Radio Revellers
Vic Oliver
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Bill WorsJey
The Rt. Hon. C. R. Attlee
C.H., M.P.
by James L. Hodson
Regional Variations (3)
Prayers conducted by the Rev. Glyn Parry-Jones.
Prayers conducted by the Rev. R. Guy Ramsay.
A shortened form of Evensong