and forecast for farmers and shipping
London Light Concert Orchestra
Conducted by Michael Krein with Arthur Sandford
Regional Variations (3)
As North
'The Week Ahead': events in the North
Church bells greet the Resurrection
Lichfield Cathedral; St. James', Bristol; BallylesSon Parish Church. Co. Down; St John's, Cardiff; St. Cuthbert's Parish Church. Edinburgh; St. Stephen's, Rochester Row. Westminster; Macclesfield Parish Church. and the recorded bells of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem
Regional Variations (4)
Service from Central Methodist Church, Blackpool: The Rev. H. Crawford Walters.
Service from St. James' Church. The Horsefair, Bristol: The Rev. Clifford Smith.
Service from Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast: The Rt. Rev. J. H. R. Gibson
Holy Communion from St. Matthew's Parish Church, Northampton, with a devotional commentary by the Vicar, Canon Walter Hussey
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (E.H. 139, omitting w. 2 and 3) The Lord's Prayer: Collect for Purity Kyrie Bleison (Varke) Collect for Easter Day
Epistle: Colossians 3. w. 1-7
Gradual hymn: The Lord is risen indeed (E H 627)
Gospel: St. John 20. vv. 1-10 Nicene Creed
Offertory hymn: Let all mortal flesh keep silence fE.H. 318)
Prayer for the Church
Invitation; Confession; Absolution Sursum corda (Darke) Benedictus
Prayer of Humble Access
Prayer of Consecration Agnus Ded (Darke)
Choir: Ave Verum (Mozart)
Communion of Priest and People The Lord's Prayer Prayer of Oblation
Gloria in excelsis (Darke) Blessing .
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluya!
(E.H. 133)
Organist, Robert H. Joyce
Overture. II Seraglio (Mozart): London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham. Bt.
Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor
(Paganini, cadenza by Baller): Yehudi Menuhin (violiri) with the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari
Three Symphonic Sketches. La Mer
(Debussy): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Alceo Galliera on gramophone records
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Alec Robertson
Sir John Stairver (1840-1901),' by Dr. E. H. Fellowes , C.H.
'Vincent d'Indy (1851-1931),' by Rene Elvin
' The Royal Albert Hall (opened March 29, 1871),' by Felix Felton
Five experts on films, theatre, books, radio, and art
Conducted by Roger Manvell
12.11 Radio : Frank Tilsley
12.20 Art: John Summerson
12.28 Films : Virginia Graham
12.37 Theatre : T. C. Worsdey
12.45 Books: Walter Allen
and forecast for farmers and shipping
68-Bird Navigation
Peter Scott introduces two speakers, James Fisher and D. H. Wilkinson
Regional Variations (2)
Easter Carols: BBC West of England Singers.
Some of the more contented characters in opera
Last of a series of programmes of operatic excerpts on gramophone records
Presented by Philip Hope-Wallace
Regional Variations (3)
' In Your Garden.' by William Nelmes.
Gardening discussion.
A programme of practical and scientific interest to gardeners and stock-keepers
Introduced by Roy Hay
Mary Ball gives some topical advice to small poultry-keepers about replacing stock
Dr. A. J. Bateman. of the John Innes Horticultural Institution, talks about the advantages of growing your own seeds
Wilfrid Blunt proposes the idea of planning a ' historical ' garden-
Fred Streeter gives some hints on the week's work in the garden
Regional Variations (2)
Country Magazine.
Godfrey Kenton in 'EVERYMAN'
(' The Summoning of Every Man ')
The most famous
English morality play
(c. A.D. 1500)
A radio interpretation produced by Raymond Raikes with music composed and directed by John Hotchkis
Characters in order of speaking:
The Angel sung by Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
BBC Chorus and Orchestra
Conducted by the composer
Regional Variations (4)
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra; Monique Haas (piano). Lyadov, Franck. Elgar.
As North
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (records).
Rosina Raisbeck (soprano)
Trefor Jones (tenor)
Norman Lumsden (bass)
BBC Opera Chorus
(Trained by Alan G. Melville)
BBC Opera Orchestra (Leader, John Sharpe)
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Excerpts from Wagner's operas
'Lohengrin' and 'Parsifal'
Introduction to Act 3 Bridal Chamber Scene
Parsifal :
Good Friday Music Closing Scene
Programme devised by Harold Neden
'The Third Day'
A play for Easter by J. Stanley Pritchard
From the Cathcart Church, Ayr, with a congregation of Church' of Scotland, Episcopal Church in Scotland, Baptist, Congregationalism and United Free Church Sunday School children. and their teachers, brought together by Ayr and District Sunday School Union
Leader of Worship:
The Rev. Alexander Hutchison
The Rev. Professor
Edgar P. Dickie , M.C., D.D.
Minister: Christ is risen
Children: He is risen indeed
Minister: This is the day which the Lord hath made
Children: We will rejoice and be glad in it
Jesus Christ is risen today (C.H. 119;
S.P. 145)
Easter Carol: How great the harvest is (Oxford Book of Carols, 152)
Lesson read by Frances Banks
Responses and Prayers
Paraphrase 48. w. 5-8: The Saviour died but rose again
Act of Dedicatioa
Prayers and the Lord's Prayer
Rejoice the Lord is King (C.H. 135;
S.P. 632)
Organist, Hunter F. Thomson Conductor. James R. Liddell
Regional Variations (2)
Ulster Savings Bulletin
Cheap need not be nasty
Sam Pollock attacks the widely-held belief that dearness necessarily means quality
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Jean Pougnet (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Sir Adrian Boult
Regional Variations (5)
Service from St. Paul's Church. Barrow-in-Furness: Preacher, the Rt. Rev. Thomas Bloomer, Bishop of Carlisle,
Service from St. Barnabas' Roman Catholic Cathedral, Nottingham: Canon Cyril Restieaux.
Service from Moriah Baptist Church. Ris-a: The Rev, B. J. Allsopp.
As North
From St. George's West Church, Edinburgh. Conducted by the Minister, the Rev. Murdo Ewen Macdonald. Preacher, the Rev. Professor James S. Stewart of New College, Edinburgh
The strife is o'er. the battle done
(C.H. 122: S.P. 147)
Call to Prayer; Prayers
Gospel.: St. Luke 24. vv. 13-32
Bleat be the everlasting God (C.H.
The Lord is risen indeed (C.H. 120;
A and M. 142)
Prayers and the Lord's Prayer
Paraphrase 48. v. 5-end: The
Saviour died but rose again (Tune, St. Andrew)
Organist. Eric Smith
Appeal on behalf of The Shaftesbury Homes and ' Arethusa ' Training Ship, by the General Secretary, F. Brian Pelly , A.F.C.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The Shaftesbury Homes and ' Arethusa ' Training Ship was founded in 1843 by a solicitor's cierk, and so is one of the oldest children's charities. The first accommodation was a cowshed in Soho; now there are seven hundred children accommodated in four healthy and happy homes tor boys and girls, as well as two hundred and twenty in the training ship ' Arethusa,' in the Medway near Rochester.
Since its foundation, nearly 40,000 children have been admitted to the homes, where they receive a first-class education under the Local Education Authority. They also receive training in various trades so as to become useful citizen:. Many of the old boys and girls have risen to positions of great responsibility in civilian life. Boys who go to the ' Arethusa ' are trained for the sea services and there is abundant evidence that the training they receive helps them quickly to gain promotion at sea. Ninety joined the Royal Navy last year.
The total expenditure of £ 136.000 in 1950 was ninety per cent more than that in 1939, and funds are urgently needed to meet the increased costs.
by Charles Dickens
A new series of seven programmes, by John Keir Cross , of scenes and characters from ' Pickwick Papers '
2—' Concerning the making of a compromise; the broken heart of Mr. Tupman; and the appearance of a certain Samuel Weller'
The Presenters:
Production by Cleland Finn
A talk by Sir John Maud
Regional Variations (2)
' Y Pasg Welsh ta:ks
An exploration in sound written by Henry Reed
Music specially composed by Elisabeth Lutyens and conducted by Edward Clark
Produced by R. D. Smith
Cast in order of speaking:
Regional Variations (4)
Contemporary Northern Literature: ' The Writers Reply. '
As North
Sonnets for Easter by John Ormond Thomas. Reader. John DaTTan.
Sonata in E minor, Op. 38 played by Florence Hooton (cello and Ross Pratt (piano)
Psalm 147 (Broadcast Psalter), vv.
St. John 20. w. 1-17
The strife is o'er, the battle done
(A. and M. 135)
1 Peter 1. v. 3