Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
' The Resurrection Story '
St. John 21, w. 15-22
Reading and comment by the Rev. E. H. Robertson
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Dudley Savage (cinema organ).
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader; Frank Thomas )
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Talk by Peter Cadibury
The speaker was a test pilot in the early days of jet propulsion. He talks about jet engines and about what his particular job involved.
Records of his concertos
Good Christian men rejoice and sing
(S.P 154)
New Every Morning, pasre 90
Carol: Eya! Resurrexit (Cambridge
Carol Book 45)
1 Peter 1. w. 3-12
Come ye faithful (A. and M. 133: S.P.
Marcel Gardner and his Serenade Orchestra
Ronnie Joynes (electric guitar) and Netta Rogers
A serial in eight episodes by John Jowett
Episode 4 The cast is shown on Monday
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 12)
The twenty-fifth episode in the new adventures of Shorty, a London taxi-driver by Cyril Campion
'Last Friday's recorded broadcast)
Regional Variations (5)
For Farmers.
As North
News for Farmers.
Geoffrey Eley of West Hanningfield, Essex, Assistant Editor of Farmers Weekly, balks about topical events of interest to farmers
from the canteen of an engineering factory in Stamford, Lincolnshire
with The Hedley Ward Trio
Sylvia Robins
The Western Brothers
Fred Harries at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Country News and Market Report
Introduced by Leslie Mitchell
This week's edition includes the following recorded items:
Woman's Angle: Jeanne Heal interviews Jill Carpenter on film make-up Picture Panel: Peter Noble. Christopher Hodge, and guest artist Valerie Hobson answer listeners' questions put to them by chairman John Slater
Darcy Conyers introduces the music from ' Ha'penny Breeze '
Excerpts from the sound-track of the Associated British Production ' The Franchise Affair.' starring Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray
Script written by Michael Storm
Produced by Pat Osborne
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
Desmond Dupre (guitar)
Leon Goossens (oboe)
Robert Masters Piano Quartet:
Robert Masters (violin) Nannie Jamieson (viola)
Muriel Taylor (cello)
Kinloch Anderson (piano)
Programme arranged by Basil Douglas
1-The Art of Tauber
Introduced, with gramophone records, by Stephen Williams
by Charles Dickens
2— ' Concerning the making of a compromise; the broken heart of Mr. Tupman; and the appearance of a certain Samuel Weller '
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, Charles Groves
Charles Taylor (violin)
Paul Cropper (viola)
by Francis Noel-Baker
One hundred and twenty years ago Edward Noel , a cousin of Lady Byron, was one of many young Englishmen who went out to Greece. He settled there and started farming in a remote part of the island of Euboea. His great-grandson Francis Noel-Baker describes life on this farm today.
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour.
'Bunkle Went for Six'
Another of the Bunkle books by M. Pardoe
Adapted for broadcasting by Bertha Lonsdale
4—' Rescue and Capture '
Produced by Trevor Hill
During the enquiries which Jill and Bunkle were making about the boat-train shooting incident, Bilau was kidnapped, drugged, and taken aboard a yacht by Samuelson and his confederate, Max. The de Salis family had no clue as to what had happened to him. so relief that the Colonel was safe was cancelled out by anxiety about Bilau, and by indications that they were all being spied upon. To evade the unknown watchers, Jill, Bunkle, and Belinda decided to go down the old smugglers' passage leading from the cellars of Marsh House out to the creek and have a picnic in their sailing dinghy.
Shipping and general weather fore casts,
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News sport
News, sport.
News, sport
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Account of H.R.H. Princess Margaret's visit to North Wales.
Music for a mellow mood with Pearl Carr , The Kingpins and Malcolm Lockyer and his Starlight Orchestra
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (5)
For Welsh Farmers
Strathspev and Reel Players.
French lesson.
Farming talk.
The Future for Milk
A discussion between
Raymond Broster and R. A. Pepperall
The total sales of milk off farms in England and Wales last year exceeded the 1939 figure by some forty-three per cent., and this year's total will be even greater. Is milk production being overdone, and can the present level of sales be maintained? These and other questions exercising the mind of the dairy farmer at the present time are discussed by Raymond Broster , a well-known Cheshire milk producer, and R. A. Pepperall , Secretary of the Milk Marketing Board of England and Wales.
Regional Variations (6)
BBC Welsh Orchestra; Alan Lovedav (violin).
The Thursday Play: Bachelors Wed,' by Kevin McGarry.
Citv of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra; Denis Matthews (piano). Mozart's Piano Concertos, in G (K.453). and In C minor (K.491). Interval
Cinderford Male Voice Choir.
As North
Another incident in the career of Police-Constable Archibald Berkeley-Willoughby
Script by Alan Stranks
' The Case of the Last Round-Up '
Production by Vernon Harris
Regional Variations (3)
BBC Scottish Orchestra; Jean Harve\\ (piano). Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 1, in C; Haydn's Symphonv No. 94. in G.
Speak Your Mind
The London String Trio:
Maria Lidka (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola) Vivian Joseph (cello)
Colin Horsley (piano)
Before an audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House. London
with Kitty Bluett
Patricia Hayes , Fred Yule
Peter Sellers , Leslie Perrina
Bob and Alf Pearson
The Beaux and the Belles
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script by Eddte Maguire and Ted Ray
Additional material by George Wadmore
Produced by Roy Speer
Does our food cost more than it should?
Midland Parliament discusses distributive costs
Margaret Hall
Fellow of Somerville College, Oxford
University Lecturer in Economics
C. W. Fulker , M.B.E.
Secretary of the Parliamentary
Committee of the Co-operative Union
C. E. Worthington
Chairman and managing director of a uhain of grocery stores
W. Herman Kent , O.B.E.
Secretary of the National Federation of Grocers' and Provision Dealers' Associations
Chairman: J. Edward Mason
Director of Education for Nottinghamshire
with Wallas Eaton
Regional Variations (3)
Science Review.
Ulster Commentary, by John D Stewart
(150th broadcast in the present series)
The Scientist and his Work by A. S. Parkes , sc.D., F.R.S. of the National Institute of Medical Research
The least scientific of us is aware of the results ot scientific research-new sources of power, new drugs, new understanding of our place in nature. But few of us know what sort of man the scientist is and how he makes his discoveries. In this talk Dr. Parkes speaks about scientists and their ways, and refers to ' The Art of Scientific Investigation.' a recent publication by Professor W. 1. B. Beveridge.
sung in Russian by Tatiana Preston (soprano) with Frederick Stone (piano)
On the Death of a Lovebird; The Soldier's Bride; How fair this spot!; All things pass by; The Little Island; Summer Nights; We shall rest