and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
British children now living in Australia greet their parents in this country. Programme arranged in collaboration with the Australian Broadcasting Commission
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
from Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies
Very Rev. W. R. Matthews, K.C.V.O., D.D., Dean of St. Paul's
' It's Your Idea ', by Freddy Grise wood
and his Orchestra, with Beryl Davis , Len Camber , Georgina, Derek Roy , Doreen Villiers , the Singing Sweethearts, Three Boys and a Girl
and his Orchestra
at the organ of the Gaumont State, Kilburn
News commentary and interlude
from page 41 of "New Every Morning" and page 20 of "Each Returning Day". Thou art the way: Psalm 147, vv. 1-11: The Church's one foundation
Rhythmic records
11.0 RHYTHM AND MELODY : Sounds two and three beats long, and their symbols
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. China. "The Great Northern Plain ' : efforts to control the Hwang-ho—' China's Sorrow' ; risks which the peasantry have to face
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : Revival of a ' Ten Minutes Tale ' by Rhoda Power , told by John Glyn -Jones, followed by some short poems
and his Dance Orchestra, with Stella Raymon and Alan Kane
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Talk by Mabel Constanduros
Novelty numbers and solo pieces played by the BBC Variety Orchestra (conductor, Charles Shadwell ), with Clarence Wright
2.0 NATURE STUDY. Frost and Snow ', by A. J. Mee : how frost forms and when to expect it ; when and why it snows
2.15 Interval music
2.20 i YSGOLION CYMRU (For Welsh schools). ' Y Pentref': cyfres i blant dros naw mlwydd oed. 2—' Y Ffordd Fawr' : Y dyrpeg cynnwrf yn y ddeunawfed ganrif. Effaith y ffordd fawr a'r modur ar fywyd, pentref
2.40 SENIOR HISTORY. 'Canada governs herself : Lord Elgin puts self-government into practice', by Elsie Park Gowan , adapted by Helen Duncan
George Steele and his Orchestra
by Flight-Lieutenant W. D. Wright
How many new words will be added to our language before the war. is over ? Flight-Lieutenant Wright has coUected a number of candidates for the honour, culled from the slang and jargon of the R.A.F.
Conductor, Major Eric Ball
James Agate on new and recent books
Conducted by Leslie Heward
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r llyfr ' Bob Bore o Newydd '
' The Scarlet Pimpernel ', adapted as a serial play from Baroness Orczy's famous book by Barbara Sleigh. Part 1-' The Accredited Agent', with Alan Wheatley as Sir Percy Blakeney , Heron Carvic as Chauvelin,' and Cherry Cottrell as Marguerite Blakeney
Fuel Flash for housewives, followed by National and Regional announcements
W. S. Mansfield gives the last of his four talks on the subject of ' Cultivations '. Other items include ' Farm Record'
7—' Leon Gambetta , the Lion of France '. Written by Veronica Sibthorp. Produced by Walter Rilla
Radio version of the Twentieth-Century Fox picture starring Victor Mature , Betty Grable , and John Payne. Adapted and produced by Vernon Harris
Augmented Dance Orchestra, directed by Billy Ternent
Symphony No. 9, in C played by the BBC Symphony Orchestra : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
by Major Lewis Hastings , M.C.
Weekly programme telling in dramatic form stories of courage and endurance, of humour and heroism, from the week's news. Edited by Robert Barr , with music under the direction of George Walter. Produced by John Glyn-Jones
Programme includes a cartoon by
Christians meet to answer listeners' questions. Recorded programme, in which questions sent in by listeners are discussed by the Rev. F. A. Cockin , Canon of St. Paul's : Professor R. D. Whitehorn of Westminster College, Cambridge; Father
Agnellus Andrew , a Roman Catholic Franciscan Friar ; and Mary Trevelyan : under the chairmanship of Professor Victor Murray of University College, Hull
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
(Solo bassoon, Paul Draper )
Another reading from the Indian humorous writer, ' S.V.V. '
-Mood music on gramophone records