and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
on gramophone records
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 For women : May Brown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
from the operas of Mozart
Short morning prayers
' A Cook from Bucks' : Mrs. Stevens
Mixed choice of records. The high-spot is '0 Ciuciarella ', Gorsican cradle-song by H. Tomasi , sung by Tino Rossi
and the Continental Players
Talk by Zenka Bartek
at the organ of the Granada, Clapham
News commentary and interlude
from page 13 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 26 of ' Each Returning Day '. Disposer supreme ; Psalm 148 ; Forth in thy name, 0 Lord, I go
John Blore and his Orchestra
11.0 SINGING TOGETHER, by Herbert Wiseman
Scots wha hae (Scots song) Afton Water (Scots song)
This old man (Nursery rhyme)
11.20 FOR UNDER-SEVENS : Let's join in. ' The Little Wee Small Tiny Man ' : original story by Diana Ross
11.40 SCIENCE AND GARDENING : ' Lime and its Uses ', by H. Alan Peacock
12.0 THE MAKING AND CONTENT OF THE BIBLE. The Life and Letters of St. Paul. ' The Sources of our Knowledge of St. Paul and his Churches', by the Rev. H. F. D. Sparks of Durham University
Conducted by Gideon Fagan
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
South American songs commonly believed to be Tin-Pan Alley hits, written and arranged by J. N. K. Billett
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (Scotland). ' Blocked Roads', by George and Ann Scott Moncrieff
2.10 Interval music
2.15 STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Caradoc (Caractacus) and Cartemandua' (First Century A.D.), by Rhoda Power
2.35 Interval music
2.40 ORCHESTRAL CONCERT FOR SCHOOLS. BBC Orchestra : conductor, Sir Adrian BoulL Ronald Stear (bass). Presented by Herbert Howells
Fanfares for brass instruments
Excerpt from Tom Arnold 's production at the Birmingham Theatre Royal
Li Hi and Lo Ho Collinson and Breen and Marjorie' Matthews, John Fames-. Moss, James Heys, Mavis Hill, Melville Birley. Joan Lee, Baby Beam and the Acromites, and the Katrina Dancers. Orchestra directed by Sam Rogers. Produced by Robert Nesbitt. Commentary by John Ellison
' What happens to your coat at the cleaners ' : talk by S. H. Kirby
Conductor, P. S. G. O'Donnell
played by the BBC Midland Light Orchestra : conductor, Rae Jenkins , with Donald Edge (piano)
Antur cyhoeddi cylchgrawn i'r Lluoedd Arfog. (Talk in Welsh)
' Mrs. Weeshie ' : story by Eleanor Campbell
Young artists
' News from Sherwood ', No. 2, by ' Robin Hood '
National and Regional announcements and Scottish News summary
Hymn to St. Cecilia for soprano and choir A Ceremony of Carols for women's voices and harp
(First broadcast performance) performed by the Fleet Street Choir ; Mabel Ritchie (soprano) ; Gwendolen Mason (harp). Conducted by T. B. Lawrence
Serial play in six episodes, adapted by Hugh Stewart from the novel by 1. A. R. Wylie. Produced by Martyn C. Webster. Episode 5—' Cinderella goes to the Ball'
Series of discussions on the purpose of education. 2—' The Body '. Marjorie Pollard , ex-school teacher, hockey international, journalis, and girlsr club organiser ; Dr. J. Green -wood Wilson, Medical Officer of Health and School Medical Officer for Cardiff ; a general practitioner ;' Philip Morris , Director of Education for Kent
with Binnie Hale; Harley and Barker; 'Meet Doctor Morelle' by Ernest Dudley, with Dennis Arundell as the strange Doctor; Robb Wilton in 'A Matter of Form', by Dick Pepper; 'Puzzle Corner'; 'Inquisition', introduced by C. Denier Warren as 'The Grand Inquisitor', and presented by Leonard Urry; 'Year by Year'. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Produced by Harry S. Pepper and Ronald Waldman
Talk by Mary Ferguson
String Quartet in G minor played by the Menges String Quartet
Songs and poems in celebration of the 184th anniversary of his birth. George Blake gives the ' Immortal Memory '. BBC Scottish Orchestra: conductor, Ian Whyte
Discussions on the relation between life and art. 3-' Image of Love ' : Lucie Mannheim, Marius Goring , and W. J. Turner , with illustrations from Bernard Shaw 's Candida, Schnitzler's Hebelei, Ibsen's A Doll's House, and Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Famous bands playing popular dance tunes on gramophone records
Shelley's ' Ode to the West Wind'. Selected and presented by Edward Sackville-West