and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Conducted by Sir Henry Wood. (Gramophone records)
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson and Barbara Laing
from the operas of Mozart
Short morning prayers
'It's Your Idea', by F. H. Grise wood
from a selection of records
Jack Wilson and Jimmy Donovan
Thanks, Mr. Gershwin : Lady be Good ;
The man I love ; Love walked in ; I got rhythm ,
Directed by Albert Sandler
at the organ of the Regal, Kingston
News commentary and interlude
from page 93 of ' New Every Morning and page 32 of ' Each Returning Day Come, let us join our cheerful songs; Psalm 100 ; Oft in danger
Jack Simpson and his Sextet
11.0 RHYTHM AND MELODY : ' Stronger and Weaker Beats '
11.20 GEOGRAPHY: China. 'The Loess Highlands of the North-West by Chen 1-wan
11.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES : ' Dickory Mouse ', dramatised story arranged for broadcasting from the original tale by Maud Morin
Conducted by Leslie Heward
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain
Outside broadcasts from key-points in Britain's wartime transport system. No. 4—' The Roads '
Old friends and new, in a Variety entertainment presented by David Miller
2.0 NATURE STUDY. ' How to Tell the Time ', by W. P. D. Wightman
2.15 Interval music
2.20 I YSGOLION CYMRU (For Welsh schools). ' Y Pentref' : cyfres i blant dros naw mlwydd oed. 3 : ' Y Felin '
2.40 SENIOR HISTORY. Canada :
' Opening up the Canadian West', by Brian Meredith
Scottish Variety Orchestra: conductor, Ronnie Munro
at the theatre organ
Conducted by Mr. J. Thorpe
Regimental Marches of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Three members of a Scottish family compare notes on life in Scotland yesterday and today : Ethel Maxtone Graham, Ann Maxtone Graham , and Philip Smythe. (Special recording)
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
(Studio Service in Welsh). Cymerir y Gweddiau o'r llyfr Bob Bore o Newydd '
' The Scarlet Pimpernel ', adapted as a serial play from Baroness Orczy's book by Barbara Sleigh. Part 2-' The Inn of the Chat Gris '
Fuel Flash for housewives and National and Regional announcements
Talk on the mechanisation of farming by Clyde Higgs , Barbara Brew 's talk to the Women's Land Army, and ' Farm Record '
8 — ' Clemenceau — the Tiger'. Written by Karl Otten. Produced by Walter Rilla
Play for radio by William Barrow , with lyrics by Max Kestcr , and music by Kenneth Leslie-Smith . Produced by Ronald Waldman
BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas
Play by Bernard Wetherall. Produced by Howard Rose
Conductor : Ian Whyte. Lamond (piano)
Weekly programme telling in dramatic form stories of =courage and endurance, of humour and heroism, from the week's news. Edited by Robert Barr , with music under the direction of George Walter. Pro.duced by John Glyn -Jones
Programme includes a cartoon by
Christians meet to answer listeners' questions. Recorded programme, in which questions sent in by listeners are discussed by the Rev. F. A. Cockin , Canon of St. Paul's ; Professor R. D. Whitehom , of Westminster College, Cambridge ; Father Agnellus Andrew , a Roman Catholic Franciscan Friar ; and Mary Trevelyan. Chairman, Professor Victor Murray , of University College, Hull
An ' after-the-theatre ' revue, with Douglas Byng , Edward Cooper , Paula Green , Doris Hare , and Graham Payn. Clive Richardson and Tony Lowry at two pianos. Devised by Phillip Leaver. Book 3y Edward Cooper and Henrik Ege. Music by Edward Cooper and Geoffrey Wright. Produced by Reginald Smith
Fantasias played by the Grinke-Forbes-Phillips String Trio
and his Band