and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
At the pianos, Andrew Bryson , and Barbara Laing
An anthology of favourites.
Short morning prayers
' The Radio Doctor '
The month's new records, chosen by the Gramophone Department, and presented by Frederick Allen
Conductor, Walter Barry
Bertha Willmott
Talk by W. F. Fay. (Special recording)
News commentary and interlude
from page 1 of "New Every Morning" and page 6 of "Each Returning Day". The God of Abraham praise; Psalm 47; God moves in a mysterious way
Robin Richmond and his Sextet
11.0 MUSIC AND MOVEMENT FOR JUNIORS. Ann Driver : ' Beats and Half-Beats'
11.40 Interval music
Led by Albert- Sandler, with Eugenie Safonova
(All traditional items arranged by Yascha Krein )
Eugenie Safonova was born in Estonia, and, at an early age, went to Moscow where she studied practically everything thaj there was to be studied about the Russian theatre-tragedy, comedy, dancing, opera, and acrobatics. She sang in Russia. in France, in Germany, and ultimately met Nikita Belaiev and joined his Chauve Souris company with which she played all over the world. After Belaiev's death she toured the company herself. She specialises in the singing of Russian and Ukrainian folk and gypsy songs, and has, given many broadcasts with Sandler.
110th in the Northern series of concerts given by war-workers during their lunch-hour break. Arranged and presented by Victor Smythe
Symphony No. 4, in B flat played by the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted. by Julius Harrison
1.50 FOR RURAL SCHOOLS (England). Exploring our village : ' Snowed Up', by Edith Macqueen. The dislocation of. transport; methods of snow travel ; searching for sheep ; animals and their winter coats
2.10 Interval music
2.15 GENERAL SCIENCE. Heat in the home - ' Fire-Lighting and FireFighting ', by Joseph Lauwerys
2.35 Interval music
2.40 JUNIOR ENGLISH. 'The Creature in the Bed ' : strange story by Diana Ross
Billy Ternent and the Dance Orchestra
from South Africa. Six families of British children now in South Africa exchange greetings, with their parents. Programme arranged in collaboration with the South African Broadcasting Corporation
Talk by Professor W. T. Gordon
Motet : The Spirit also helpeth us, sung by the BBC Chorus : conductor, Leslie Woodgate
and her Ladies Orchestra
Teulu cyfan o Gymry yn son am eu cysylltiadau a'r mor. Capten David Meredith Evans a'i wragi, Doris, a'u meibion Dafydd a Maxwell. (Recorded programme in Welsh)
5.20 ' Children's Magazine '. Northern number, containing news, stories, poems, and music from all parts of the North of England. Edited by Nan Macdonald
5.55 Children's Hour prayers
National and Regional announcements
An adventure of Major ' Birdseye '
Scrope, by ' Bimbashiwana '. First half of a radio play dealing with the adventures of Major Julian Scrope , recently transferred from regimental duty in England to G.H.Q., Cairo. Produced by John Cheatle
Clifford Curzon (piano). BBC Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Leslie Heward
Berlioz's Fantastic Symphony is concerned with the dreams of a young musician who has tried to poison himself with opium. The work is built on a motto theme, an idee fixe which pursues the dreamer everywhere. The first movement represents all the bewildering tumult of heart of one who has fallen madly in love. The second is a ball where he meets his beloved, and the third describes a summer evening in the country. In the fourth he dreams that he has murdered his beloved, and is being marched to the scaffold, and the fifth is a very orgy of terror-a witches' sabbath in which the beloved herself appears, horribly transformed.
This fantastic story may add a certain interest to the music, but Berlioz himself said he hoped that the music would be listened to on its own merits irrespective of any dramatic aim.
Radio picture of the effects of war on the life of an East-Coast town, seen through the eyes of an American visitor to this country. First of a series of four programmes written and directed by "Norman Corwin. Narrator, Joseph Julian. Music composed and conducted by Lyn Murray. Recording of a programme first broadcast in the U.S.A. by the Columbia Broadcasting System
(by permission of the Officer Commanding). Director of Music, Lieut. T. S. Chandler
an Eaglais Chatalach (Roman Catholic Service in Gaelic) Achanaich ri Dia
Laoidh : ' Moladh do Dhia '
Leasan : Litir N. Pol do na h-Eabhraich 1,
1-12; Soisgeut N. Mata 2, 1-12
Dh' fhag thu sith aig D'Ostail dhileas
An searmon : An t-Urr. Mgr. Donnchadh
Mac'llleathain Dun-omhain
Am beannachadh
0 Righ nan Ainglean
"The Death of Sir John Moore at Corunna", by James Carrick Moore.
Quiet and gentle music, played by the BBC Theatre Orchestra : conductor, Stanford Robinson
Anthology of poems about people, chosen by Ursula Wood. Presented by Stephen Potter