and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
(baritone), on gramophone records
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
7.40 Exercises for women : May Brown
An anthology of favourites
Rev. F. A. Cockin, Canon of St. Paul's
' Try Something New', by Moira Savonius
Popular dance music and songs on gramophone records
at the organ of the Granada, Clapham Junction
played by Ireen Maclaren
(For Welsh'schools). Cwrs y Byd
News commentary and interlude
from page 105 of "New Every Morning" and page 24 of "Each Returning Day". The Saviour dy'd, but rose again; Psalm 11; O for a closer walk with God
Tenth of a series of record programmes of Hawaiian guitar music, written and arranged by A. P. Sharpe
12—'The Importance of Good Parents '. Dr. Leslie Housden, Chairman, Mothercraft Committee of the National Association of Maternity and Child Welfare Centres
11.0 SPECIAL HEALTH TALK FOR SCHOOLS. Any Questions ? ', by ' The Radio Doctor '
11.15 Interval music
11.20 GAMES WITH NUMBERS : last in a series of five experimental broadcasts
played by Iris Loveridge
and his Orchestra
ENSA concert for war-workers from a Naval dockyard. Jack Padbury and his Orchestra, with Marianne. Guest artists, John Steabben and Harry Hudson
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Gramosaic of rhymes and songs, stories, and music, compiled by Bettine Rampton
Sweet and low ; Oh ! swallow, swallow;
Ask me no more ; Our enemies have fallen (from The Princess)....................Stanford
Puck's Song ; Song of the Water-Nixies ;
Come away, elves (Song Cycle : In Fairyland)...............Orlando Morgan
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Conductor, Fred Berry
Sgwrs gan Aelod Seneddol. (Talk in Welsh)
Sgwrs gan Nansi Greville Young. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 Letter from America, by Olive Shapley
'Aunt Cuthberton's Christmas Present': story by Margaret J. Baker
5.45 'Your Garden This Month', by H.G. Fleet
National and Regional announcements, followed by Scottish News summary
Fortnightly talks for Northern Ireland listeners on some of the problems and conditions of life in wartime
Lilting music, melody, and song for everybody. Marie Korchinska (harp) ; Gwen Catley (soprano) ; Anne Lettner presents the ' Film Hit of the Week' ; Montague Phillips conducts one of his own compositions ; Charles Smart at the BBC theatre organ ; BBC Revue Chorus; BBC Revue Orchestra and the Dance Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas. Produced by Henry Reed
Talk on recent experience of Religious Brains Trusts among the Forces, by L. T. Stanley
' Man Observes Himself '
D. M. S. Watson, F.R.S., closes this series on evolution, which was opened by Sir James Jeans. Professor Watson, who has given all but four of the talks, sums up the long story of Man's. Place in Nature. '•
Play for broadcasting by Gerald Brosnan , being the third episode in the adventures of Mary Bridget O'Hara. Characters : Mary Bridget O'Hara, Dr. Simpleman, Sister Mitchell, Matron. Scene : a suburban hospital near London. Produced by James Mageean
with Jack Train ; and Dino Galvani , Sydney Keith , Horace Percival , Clarence Wright , Fred Yule , Dorothy Summers , Vera Lennox , Kay Caven dish, and Paula Green. The show written by Ted Kavanagh. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Charles Shadwell. Produced by Francis Worsley
with Gareth Morris (flute)
Recorded session of the Anglo-American Brains Trust for the Forces, answering questions about America before an audience of troops and A.T.S. Members : Charles S. Williams , S. M. Callahan , W. A. Dutton , Maj. E. M. Llewellyn (editor of ' Stars and Stripes ') and a Lieut.-Colonel of the Army Education Corps. Question-Master, Evarts Seelye Scudder. Presented by Douglas Cleverdon
and postscript
sung by Henry Cummings. Presented by Hubert Foss
Poems by Cecil Day Lewis. Selected and' presented by Edward Sackville-West
and his Orchestra