Cheerful gramophone records
and chorus, on gramophone records
three years- ago
Popular records of July 1939
Gramophone records
and his Orchestra
at the organ of the Gaumont State, Kilburn
Coventry New Hippodrome Orchestra plays a selection from Noel Coward's musical play, on records
Kay Cavendish with her piano.
Damau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Arthur Dulay and his Orchestra
Conductor, Guy Warrack
No. 99-Scott Sanders. The Interviewer, Wilfred Pickles. Produced-by Richard North
Conductor, Fred Mortimer
Lunch-time entertainment for factory workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
personally conducted by James Ching. Sixth and last of a series of gramophone programmes
' Sweet Rothesay Bay' and other seasonable songs from the Bonnie Banks o' Clyde, sung by Annie Tait (contralto), Alexander MacGregor (baritone), and Andrew Hill (baritone), and introduced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
and his Correct Tempo Ballroom Band, with Edna Kaye , Lynn Rayner , and Paul Rich
at the theatre organ
Percival Mackey and his Orchestra
Directed by Jack Hardy
Chorus songs on gramophone records
and his Sweet Rhythm Orchestra, with Helen Raymond , Sid Buckman , and Ken Beaumont
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of classic ' songs and melodies that you know and love at 5.0
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces answered by experts
National and Regional announcements
Weekly news-reel for Canadian Forces in Britain and for all friends of the senior Dominion. The Royal Canadian Air Force in action, presented by Jack Peach ; Canada's Army and Navy at work in Britain ; the weekly ' calendar' of life in Canada ; Gerry Wilmot in English, and Eddy Baudry in French, present the weekly news bulletin. Produced by H. Rooney Pelletier , and presented in co-operation with the London office of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Conductor : P. S. G. O'Donnell
Music from Belgium
Magazine programme devised and presented by Peter Creswell to and about the Royal Navy. Music editor, Harry Bidgood. General editor, David Yates Mason. Esmond Knight to spin a yarn-Another true story of a Naval port-Band of H.M.S. ' Incredible '-.—Make and Mend Chorus-The Briny Trust. Produced by Peter Creswell and Peter Watts.
Versatile artist, with Zora Layman and the Lyn Murray Quartet
From Finsbury Park Empire
The fighting spirit of Britain. Exploits of the fighting men of Britain, re-told from the records of the past and first-hand accounts of this present time. Arranged and produced by Brigid Maas
Village concert, presided over by Farmer Will Watchet. Famous visi- tors have promised to appear. Charles Shadwcll and the BBC Variety Orchestra. Produced by Harry S. Pepper
Reminiscent gramophone programme, in which William Mollison recalls to Roy Plomley the shows he has produced from ' No, No, Nanette ! ' to ' Lady Behave '
at the theatre organ