Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Lili Palmer, singing star of stage and screen
two years ago
Popular records of June 1940
Mixed choice of records. The high spot is Schubert's ' Ave Maria ', sung by Richard Tauber
(See Home Service}
Carroll Gibbons
at the organ of the Odeon Theatre, Manchester
and BBC Revue Orchestra, conr ducted by Mansel Thomas
Sankey's Castle Works Band : conductor, Cyril I. Yorath
at the organ of the Regent Cinema, Bournemouth
and the Dance Orchestra, with Helen Raymond , Ken Beaumont , and Sid Buckman
ENSA concert for war-workers. Band of H.M. Scot Guards, conducted by Lieut. S. Rhodes , Mus.Bac., and Edmundo Ros and his Cuban Orchestra with Santiago Lopez
Recording of the Royal Marines' parade in commemoration of this and other famous victories. Produced by Maurice Brown
Conducted by William J. Matthews
played by the Blech String Quartet, with Margaret Good (piano)
Scottish Variety Orchestra : conductor, Ronnie Muhro
Weekly concert presented by soldiers of the Canadian Army overseas stationed in Great Britain. Arranged and compered by Gerry Wilmot
Songs and their singers. Gramophone programme written and presented by K. Chester Sherburne
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Presented by James Moody
Special twice-weekly radio magazine for men and girls in Anti-Aircraft and Balloon Barrage unitt. Items by the personnel of these services. Entertainment, interest and news features, service gossip and guest stars. .Editor, Bill MacLurg
National and Regional announcements
Fourth of the series organised by the Radio Section of the War Department in Washington for the entertainment of members of the United States Forces serving overseas. Producer, Vic Knight. From a Fred Allen Show. Recorded short-wave transmission in the United States
in aid bf the Red Cross Penny-a-week Fund, devised by Neil Munro and arranged and presented by Ronald Waldman. Entire entry fees devoted to the Fund. Specially recorded programme. Problems prepared by Mark Hambourg, Gillie Potter, Donald Peers, Ronald Gourley, and others.
The last day for posting your entries is Thursday, June 4, and the address is [address removed]. The results of this contest will be announced after the 6.0 p.m. News on Sunday, June 21
The twelve correct answers in the Red Cross Radio Contest broadcast on May 2 and 4 were: CBAB-CBBA-ACAB. Correct sets of answers were received from the following, each of whom will receive a cheque for £83 6s. 8d.: Master E. M. Bayliss, [address removed]; T. Watson, [address removed]; Miss R. Miller, [address removed].
'The Black Market, and All That.' Written and produced by Peter Watts.
and his Music, with Jack Cooper
A. Gouge , Chief Designer of Short Bros. Ltd., who was responsible for the creation of the Stirling- bomber and the Sunderland flying boat, talks about his work and its problems
Conducted by Stokowski, on gramophone records
Toccata and Fugue in D minor (Bach)
The Swan (The Carnival of the Animals :
Dances of the Polovtsian Maidens (Prince
Igor : Borodin)
The fighting spirit of Britain
Requests designed to unite members of the Forces with their relatives and friends at home
Weekly summary of Canadian news, high lights and sports, cabled from Canada by the CBC National News Service, and read by Gerry Wilmot
Harry Fryer and his Orchestra, with George Latter