Cheerfull gramophone records
Records of Astra Desmond (contralto)
six years ago
Popular records of June 1936
with Cathie B. Maclean (soprano), J. B. Munro (tenor), and String Quartet
at the organ of the State, Dartford
Recording of last Saturday's broadcast
and his Band
Jack Jackson and his Band
Sixth and last of a series of gramophone programmes to do with sailors and the sea.
with David Lloyd
and his Commanders, with Rita Williams
Recording of last night's broadcast
and the scene it might suggest pictured by Jane Grahame. (No. 19)
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , George Evans , Derek Roy , Three Boys and a Girl
Welsh songs about birds. The Eryri Quintet, the Eryri Ladies' Octet, and Ceinwen Rowlands (soprano). Programme devised by Arwel Hughes and Sam Jones. Introduced by Norman WoOland
Grand concert for patients and staff at an R.A.F. hospital somewhere in the North, with Jack Daly , Pilot Officer David Southwood and Guest artists. Presented by Victor Smythe
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
-. Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Happy, informal half-hour of songs and music by Canadian soldiers, sailors, and airmen from a famous Canadian Forces club in the South. Master of Ceremonies, Gerry Wilmot
presented with gramophone records by Margaret Percy Pitt
Conducted by Gideon Fagan
National and Regional announcements, followed by Scottish News Summary
Plotside broadcasts from a BBC allotment cultivated by the Outside Broadcasting Department. Commentator, Michael Standing. Adviser, Roy Hay. From a London square
(Second series). 3—' The Royal Marines ': introducing a Director of Music, R.M., one of his bandsmen, and R. G. Franklin , an ex-Marine who is now a member of the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Programme arranged by Dr. Thomas Wood and Trevor Harvev
Programme of music and greetings to the British Garrison in northern waters, including pipe music by Pipe Major William Ross, news letter from the Western Highlands and Islands, greetings from friends and relatives, visit to a Ceilidh (recorded), reels and Scottish country dance music by the strings of the BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Kemlo Stephen.
The Faroe Islands are occupied by British Forces, but they still remain part of Denmark, and continue to be administered by the Danish Governor in conjunction with the local Parliament.
Weekly magazine programme for and by women in organised war jobs. Factory workers, nurses, the Land Army, women in . the Ambulance,
» Transport, Civil Defence, and many other services take part with the W.R.N.S., A.T.S., and W.A.A.F. Entertainment, interest features and music. Editor, Bill MacLurg
Play by Margaret Gibbs. Produced by Martyn C. Webster
The action takes place at the Bates's house in London during a Sunday afternoon and evening
BBC Chorus. BBC Orchestra, conducted by Leslie Woodgate
Choral Suite, From the Bavarian Highlands : The Dance-False Love-Lullaby —Aspiration—On the AIm-The Marksmen
Epilogue from The Banner of St. George :
It comes from the misty ages
The fighting spirit of Britain
Gramophone records, chosen and presented by members of H.M. Forces. No. 28-Fleet Air Arm
at the theatre organ
with his Quartet
with his Orchestra