to the Imperial and Allied Forces in the United Kingdom , followed by 'REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of America's Crooner No. One
three years ago
Popular records of June 1939
Gramophone records
Darnau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Torquay Pavilion Light Orchestra, conducted by Ernest W. Goss
Sentimental and swing records with your morning coffee
(By permission of the Officer Commanding and Officers). Conductor, Mr. E. G. R. Palmer
and his two Orchestras
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers from a factory somewhere in Britain
The last of this series of gramophone programmes is presented by Sir Adrian Boult
An intimate show, with Jack and Diana Morrison , and Jack Wilson and Dorothy Parsons at two pianos. Produced by Martyn C. Webster
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Twenty-second year of the Edinburgh Musical Festival Association and thirty-first year of the Glasgow Musical Festival Association
Percival Mackey and his Band
Gramophone records presented by Sam Heppner
Scottish Variety Orchestra : conductor, Ronnie Munro
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic' songs and melodies that you know and love
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces answered by an expert
National and Regional announcements
From the Empire Theatre, Sunder-land
Jack McGuire presents the week's news from home for New Zealanders in this country
Weekly summary of Australian news specially presented for Australians in this country and read by George Ivan Smith
Magazine programme devised and presented by Peter Creswell to and about the Royal Navy. Music editor, Harry Bidgood. General editor, David Yates Mason
Esmond Knight to spin a yarn - Pop-eye the Sailor-Man again - A true story of a Naval port - Band of H.M.S. 'Incredible' - Make and Mend Chorus - The Briny Trust
Produced by Peter Creswell and Peter Watts
with Roy Rich
played by the BBC Orchestra : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
The fighting spirit of Britain
A, village concert, presided over by Farmer Will Watchet. Some famous visitors have promised to appear.
Charles Shadwell and the BBC Variety Orchestra. Produced y Harry S. Pepper
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in the United Kingdom
followed by Van Phillips and his two Orchestras