Cheerful gramophone records
Records of George Scott-Wood, pianist and band-leader.
three years ago
Popular records of June 1940
Gramophone records
(No. 1. New series). Presented by David Miller and Basil Adams. Return of the popular Jack Benny show broadcast in the United States every Sunday. Specially recorded version of one of these programmes featuring Mary Livingstone , Don Wilson , Dennis Day , Phill Harris with his Orchestra, and Jack Benny.
Recording of last Sunday's broadcast
Darnau difyr at y bore, sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif. Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths. (Welsh light programme)
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Writing a popular song, in six childishly easy lessons. Lesson 2 : ' The she-loves me-not theme '.. Record programme written and arranged by Alec Bristow
Conducted by William J. Matthews
and his Band
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers from a factory somewhere in Britain
No. 16-The timpani. Presented with gramophone records by Henry W. Taylor of the London Symphony Orchestra
with Diana Morrison , Mary Pollock , Godfrey Baseley , Philip Garston-Jones, Jack Wilson and Dorothy Parsons at two pianos. Produced by Martyn C. Webster
at the theatre organ
Conducted by Clifford Greenwood
Debroy Somers and his Band
Gramophone records presented by A. A. Steele
Fifth of a fortnightly series of romantic interludes. Sentimental songs, sung and played by Aircraftman Harry Evans to the girls he and other members of the Forces left behind. Produced by Leslie Bridg mont
Dance music played by an R.A.F. Band, from somewhere in the North of England
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic ' songs and melodies that you know and Jove
Questions on current affairs from men and women in the Forces, answered at the microphone by an expert
National and Regional announcements
Uniting by radio the makers of British war-weapons and those who man them. 4—' Tanks ' : broadcasts from a factory and a tank unit of an Armoured Division
by Pipe-Major William Ross
Jack McGuire presents the week's news from home for New Zealanders in this country
Weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country, and read by George Ivan Smith
Magazine programme devised and presented by Peter Creswell to and about the Royal Navy. Music editor, Harry Bidgood. General editor, David Yates Mason
Esmond Knight to spin a yarn-
Lucky Larrigan on ' Coincidences '-Band of H.M.S. 'Incredible '-The Make and Mend Chorus-and The Briny Trust
Produced by Peter Creswell and Peter Watts i
with Roy Rich
played by the BBC Scottish Orchestra : conductor, Ian Whyte
The idea of his Scottish Symphony came to Mendelssohn when he visited Holy-rood Palace in 1829, and saw the chapel in which Mary Queen of Scots was crowned. ' I think ' he wrote, 'that I found there the beginning of my Scotch Symphony. The passage that he noted down then was the opening of the Introduction.
The fighting spirit of Britain
Village concert, presided over by Farmer Will Watchet. Famous visitors have promised to appear. Charles Shadwell and the BBC Variety Orchestra. Produced by Harry S. Pepper
and his Band