A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
followed by Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Damau difyr at y bore
Sef, pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths
(A Welsh light programme)
played by John Reynders with his Orchestra
and his Band with Harry Davis featuring Beryl Davis , Diane, Bob Dale , Jan Zalski (famous Polish tenor), and Eddie Palmer with his novachord
Easy, breezy tunes on gramophone records
at the theatre organ
R.A.F. favourites
(A recording of last night's broadcast)
Time Signal, Greenwich, at 2.0
and his State Orchestra
A popular pot-pourri
To records in dance time
and his Tango Orchestra with Dorothy Carless
Talks for the Armed Forces on current affairs
(by permission of the Officers, Royal
Artillery) Conducted by Mr. Meredith Roberts
Slow march of the Royal Regiment of Artillery
In this series you will be taken to the famous music-hall. From 1930 to 1940 the musical director was Sydney Kaplan , who will this afternoon talk about, and play records of, some of the hundreds of well-known artists who have played at the Holborn.
Introduced by Leslie Perowne
followed by National and Regional announcements
Beethoven's most famous piano sonata played by Iso Elinson
Expert advice on popular games
4-Lawn tennis simplified by H. Ingman Baker and Freddy Grisewood with Raymond Glendenning as ' the average player'
Lesson I-Service and forehand strokes
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country, and read by Colin Wills
with Roy Rich
Sailors ! Soldiers ! Airmen ! what's your favourite melody ? Tell Roy Rich the title on a postcard addressed to ' Record Time ', Broadcasting
House, London, W.l
Introducing well-known artists of the stage, music-hall, and films who will entertain you and tell the story behind their successful partnerships
13-Elsie and Doris Waters
Presented by C. F. Meehan
with Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra
The symbol of Canada's war effort on Dominion Day
This story of the Torch's flight across a continent and an ocean, together with its reception in Britain, will include actuality recordings made in Canada by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and in Britain by the Overseas Unit of the CBC
Programme produced by the CBC and presented by H. Rooney Pelletier
An anniversary on records of the first Royal Command Performance at the Palace Theatre on July 1, 1912.
Artists will include Vesta Tilley, George Robey, Clarice Mayne and 'That', Alfred Lester, Harry Lauder, Arthur Prince and 'Jim', and Harry Tate
Devised and written by Raymond and Joe Mitchesson
Presented by Raymond Mander