Animation. Dennis receives an award as a result of his enthusiasm for recycling, but he is really just looking for alternative sources of energy for his rocket. Show more
Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. A map may lead to hidden treasure, but does not always mention the hidden dangers.
Series in which Gordon Buchanan goes in search of Scottish wildlife. He explores the island of Rum, famous for its red deer, seeking out some particularly clever crows.
8/9. Dominic West hosts in an extended repeat from yesterday's BBC1 episode, where guest panellists are James May and Reginald D Hunter.
Director Paul Wheeler ; Producer Mark Barrett
Downbeat drama in which a heavy-drinking PR executive and his once-sober wife descend into an abyss of alcoholism and despair. Starring Jack Lemmon. Show more
Memorable drama starring Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick. A young married couple face a tough fight against alcoholism. Review page 51.
(1962, PG) (BW)