Bwrw golwg dros bynciau'r dydd mewn sgwrs a ffilm - a chyfle i gwrdd a rhai sy'n amlwg yn y Newyddion.
(Wenvoe, Blaen-Plwyf, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.15)
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
Peter Hawkins speaks the voices
(BBC film)
A topical diversion.
David Jacobs introduces people and events of the day including Flora Robson, Ursula Bloom, Yoko Tani and Junka Kirkbride talking to Ethel Mannin about Japanese women's attitude to men.
And a story from Dilys Powell.
(Flora Robson is appearing in 'The Aspern Papers' at the Queen's Theatre, London)
(to 15.30)
A Russian cartoon film.
Eyho the little deer, wants to be as brave as Turgun, the leader of the herd, and when the wolves appear, he has a chance to prove his courage.
Two hundred years ago this month the British Army stormed the heights of Abraham to take Quebec, and secure British dominion over Canada. Here is the story of the few days before the attack-Wolfe outwitting Montcalm by planning the impossible, and both generals hampered as much by their friends as by their enemies.
Written and directed by Allan Wargon.
(A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation film)
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern Ireland. and the English Regions
News from Wales: 6.15-6.20
(On transmitters serving the areas)
Introduced by Peter Scott.
When Peter Scott visited the Bavarian home of Dr. Konrad Lorenz, the distinguished student of animal behaviour, he filmed this record of his stay there. The programme includes Lorenz's film of Greylag Geese.
(BBC film)
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and the travelling reporters including Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson.
A light comedy series set in Sam Callahan's restaurant.
[Starring] Eddie Byrne, Betty McDowall
with Edward Evans, Ronald Ibbs, Amy Dalby, Anthony Harrison, Hugh Lloyd, Dennis Thorne, Arthur Wilman
Peter Dimmock introduces Sportsview
Action... News... Personalities... in a weekly sports magazine for the family.
Tonight's action films include:
Boxing: The British Middleweight Championship: Terry Downes v. John McCormack
Motor Racing: Whose World Championship?
Tips from the Top: 4: Riding with Pat Smythe
Tonight's special item: Swimmer v. Angler
A test of strength between Judy Grinham and one of Britain's top fishermen.
A direct relay from a London Baths
Tonight's personalities include: The 'County' Cricket winners
Introduced by Eric Robinson.
with Cesare Siepi, Gyorgy Cziffra, Marina Svetlova, Marais and Miranda, The Sinfonia of London
(Leader, Leonard Hirsch)
(Gyorgy Cziffra appears by arrangement with S.A. Gorlinsky, Ltd.)
See page 9
A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party
The Rt. Hon. Hugh Gaitskell, C.B.E., M.P. deals with three human problems which are described by Anthony Greenwood, M.P.
reads a sequence of poems chosen from the recital she gave last week at the Edinburgh Festival.
(BBC recording)
See page 5
The second showing of a programme by Dr. Charles Evans, a member of the triumphant Everest expedition and leader of the team that conquered Kanchenjunga, in which he describes with film his latest climb in the Himalayas, the ascent of Annapurna IV, nearly 25,000 ft. high.
Evening prayers conducted by The Rev. A. C. Bridge.
Followed by Weather and Close Down