Walton Overture:
Portsmouth Point
LPO/Leonard Slatkin
7.06 Bach Brandenburg Concerto No (BWV
104 7): Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
7.17 Schubert The Lord
Is My Shepherd (D 706)
7.22 Brahms Barcarole , Op44No3
Quiristers of Winchester College/Julian Smith
7.30am News
7.35 Telemann Concerto in Bflat (Polish)
Musica Antiqua Koln/ Reinhard Goebel
7.45 Beethoven
Symphony No 2 in D
London Classical Players/ Roger Norrington
8.17 Saint-Saens Airs de
Ballet d'Ascanio
William Bennett (flute) ECO/Bedford. Records
Schumann Impromptus on a Theme of Clara Wieck, Op
Charles Rosen (piano)
Piano Quintet in Eflat, Op 44: Peter Frankl Lindsay Quartet
Gesange der Fruhe, Op 133: Peter Frankl
Haydn String Quartet in Eflat, Op 50 No Coull String Quartet
10.02 Jean Barriere
Sonata for cello and double bass: A Man,
Woman and a Double Bass
10.15 Colin Matthews
Oboe Quartet No 1
Berlin Oboe Quartet
10.32 Viotti Scherzando for cello and double bass
10.37 Mozart Piano
Concerto No 16 in D
Murray Perahia (piano)
1.07 Paganini Fantasia for cello and double bass
11.17RichardRodney Bennett Oboe Quartet
Interspersed with Michael Murray's arrangements of songs by Hoagy Carmichael and George Gershwin performed by A Man, a Woman and a Double Bass.
conductor George Hurst Matthew Taylor Sinfonia brevis
Schubert Symphony No9 in C (Great)
Piotr Anderszewski (piano) live from Studio 7.
Bach French Suite No 6
(BWV817) Schumann Faschingsschwank aus
Wien, Op26
Chopin Three Mazurkas, Op 59
The Japanese Ear
John Amis and Norman Del Mar remember pianist Noel Mewton-Wood .
Liszt: Tre Sonetti del Petrarca - Noel Mewton-Wood (piano)
3.30 Ronald Stevenson introduces Busoni's Fantasia.
3.35 Busoni: Fantasia Contrappuntistica (1910 version) - Noel Mewton-Wood
Producer Adam Gatehouse
Robert Ehrlich (recorder) Andrew Manze (violin) Mark Levy
(viola da gamba) Richard Egarr
The Cambridge Musick explore the rise of the virtuoso in England and in Italy, with works by Lawes and Locke,
Bassano, Dalla Casa ,
Corradini, Castello and Turini.
with David Hoult.
Producer Paul Hindmarsh
Jazz Japan Style
In this second of four programmes, Shunichi Satoh concentrates on big-band jazz, which has been popular in Japan since the early 60s. He includes records by Tatsuya Takahashi and Tokyo Union, the Toshiko Akiyoshi-Lew Tabackin
Band, and Nobuo Hara and His Sharps and Flats.
Hugh Honour , co-author of A World History of Art, recently republished in a third revised edition, talks to Bryan Robertson about the roots of a lifetime's interest in visual culture.
He also talks about the sources of inspiration for his books, among them Chinoiserie,
Neo-Classicism and The
Image of the Black in Western Art.
Producer Judith Bumpus
Invitation Concert
Tadao Sawai (koto) Yoshikaza Iwamoto
Sumire Yoshihara
(percussion) live from the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Yatsuhashi Kengyo
Rokudan Tadao Sawai Gaku
Trad Kamuke
Tadao Sawaijogen no kyoku
Makilshii 13 drums
Takashi Kako Dual
Performing Rites
Brian Powell examines the development of the modern Japanese theatre, talking to its leading dramatists, directors, critics and performers. Producer Ned Chaillet
conductor Frans Bruggen Anner Bylsma (cello)
Haydn Symphony No 90 in C; Cello Concerto in D
Japanese Composers Toru Takemitsu
Riverrun Akira Miyoshi String Quartet
Akira Nishimura Ketiak
Ryohei Hirose Tamafuri
As broadcast this morning on R5