With music and chat.
Start the day with the man with the Ugly Mug. Show more
In the light of the Cumbria shootings, should guns be banned for private use, another family explains why the new hospice is so vital, James and Sal try their hand at volunteering. Show more
Lesley will be touring the showground for the second day of the Suffolk Show. She'll be sampling food, seeing horses shoed and riding a mechanical horse. Show more
With news and all sorts of music.
Fresh new music from Versions, The Lawds, Isiah Seager, Run Riot and much more.
Evening entertainment. Call in on 0845 30 50 007 (local call rate).
Late night music with the Mystery Year and a Fab Five. Call 0845 30 50 007(local rate). Show more
News, sport and entertainment including Up All Night.
Wally Webb brings you the very early breakfast show for Norfolk.