With music and chat.
Start the day with the man with the Ugly Mug. Show more
Were you an evacuee in World War 2, parents are being accused of buying their children off instead of spending time with them, bowel cancer screening kits succeed in picking up one man's illness. Show more
We hear the story of how Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star was written in Suffolk.
The plant sale at Helmingham Hall.
On the sofa Martin who fought to run the London Marathon after nearly dying. Show more
With news and all sorts of music.
With no live band in the studio, Graeme Mac and Richard Haugh enjoy the chance to catch up with new music from around the county.
Evening entertainment. Call in on 0845 30 50 007 (local call rate).
Call in on 0845 30 50 007 (local call rate).
News, sport and entertainment including Up All Night.
Wally Webb brings you the very early breakfast show for Norfolk.