An interview with a prominent figure in the agricultural industry, followed by a five-day weather forecast for farmers and growers.
A meditation for the beginning of a new day With CANON DAN HARDY BBC Manchester. Stereo
Presented by John Humphrys and Peter Hobday
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With RICHARD QUEST
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by PAULINE BUSHNELL
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
A look ahead with Peter Donaldson
Clive James reads six chapters from the second volume of his 'unreliable memoirs'. 1: Soft Landing abridged by BRIAN GEAR Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
(Chapter 2 next Monday)
and studio guests, indulging in some lively speculation on the week ahead.
Producer ELAINE BEDELL Stereo
Presented by Louise Botting
Every week Money Box reports on the latest developments in the field of finance.
Yaohan's Sarong by MICHAEL WHERLY
Read by Pik-Sen Lim Producer SHEILA FOX
from the Crypt of Worcester Cathedral led by THE REV JAMES BUTTERWORTH When Jesus Christ was yet a child (BBC HB 542) Psalm 29
Reading: Ephesians 4, vv 1-13 (RSV)
Awake, our souls, away, our fears (BBC HB 300)
Conductor ADRIAN PARTINGTON BBC Pebble Mill Stereo
Some of the poetry requested by Radio 4 listeners. Presented by Kevin Crossley-Holland Readers GEOFFREY BEEVERS and CAROUNE JOHN
Requests to: Poetry Please! BBC. Bristol BS82LR
Presented by Susan Rae Editor PAT TAYLOR
Write to: You and Yours, BBC. London W1A 4WW
by RAYMOND CHANDLER dramatised in three parts by BILL MORRISON with Ed Bishop as Philip Marlowe
2: 'You can have a hangover from other things than alcohol. I had one from women.'
Musical research ADRIAN EDWARDS Directed by JOHN TYDEMAN Stereo (R)
Presented by Brian Widlake Editor MARTIN COX
1.55 Listening Corner This week: Who's Your Friend? I Am Presented by KATE COPSTICK Today's story: Wee Chick and Big Eddie Are Friends Written and read by ALEX NORTON Script written and produced by MARY KALEMKERIAN Stereo
2.05 Playtime Robot Power Presented by JANE HARDY and BEN THOMAS Producer SARA STRANGE Stereo (e) (Re-broadcast on Friday at 11.20am VHF/FM)
2.20 Science Scope Teachers' Programme Producer JULIAN COLEMAN Stereo (e)
2.40 Whirligig Unit 3: The Mighty Spud Compiled and presented by MARYA BURGESS 1: One Potato.... Producer JOAN GRIFFITHS Stereo (e)
The programme that puts you in touch with politics and public affairs, fashion, finance and food. So who needs women's programmes? You do! Presenter Jenni Murray Serial: Fiela's Child by DALENE MATTHEE abridged in 13 episodes by PAT MCLOUGHLIN
Read by Sean Barrett (6) Editor CLARE SELERIEGREY
Pinewood West
When Colin Welland brandished his Oscar in 1982 and announced 'The British are coming!', many people expected a new wave of British talent to make a dent in Hollywood. The talent arrived - directors like
Alan Parker , and Adrian Lynne , producers like David Puttnam and John Daly of Hemdale and writers like James Dearden (Fatal Attraction). But have they made a British dent in Hollywood's sensibility? Or are they aesthetically naturalised Americans?
Nigel Andrews reports.
Presented by Gordon Clough and Valerie Singleton Editor ROGER MOSEY continued on VHFIFM 5.50-5.55
With LAURIE MACMILLAN including Financial Report
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 40pm)
Presented by Derek Cooper
(Revised re-broadcast of last Friday s programme)
by MIKE WALKER Nicaragua: four people meet and decide to make a journey into the heart of the country, but they happen upon a group of trigger-nervous contras and their nightmare begins.
Music composed and played by DAVID CHILTON and NICK RUSSELL PAVTER
Technical presentation by DAVID GREENWOOD
Directed by PETER KING Stereo
(Re-broadcast next Saturday)
Michael Oliver presents tonight's edition, which includes interviews, and news and reviews of films, books, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions.
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 4.30pm)
Bevis: the Story of a Boy by RICHARD JEFFERIES abridged in 15 episodes by DONALD BANCROFT
Read by Michael Williams (6) (R)
Presented by Richard Kershaw Editor BLAIR THOMSON
Radio 4's international business report; market trends
followed by an interlude
Help Yourself: Biology Written by uz Liz WICKHAM Producer TIM HAINES Editor PETER WARD. Stereo (R) (e) at 12.30 Blood Sugar Control and at 12.50 Sex Hormones