Farming, food and countryside news, market trends, weather Producers TIM FINNEY and REBECCA pow
Presented by Peter Hobday and Sue MacGregor
6.30,7.30,8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News with PETER DAY
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by BRIAN PERKINS
7.20* Your Letters
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thoughtfor the Day
2: The German Connection
The BBC - Into the 90s
In the studio with Nick are Michael Checkland ,
Director-General of the BBC; David Hatch. Managing
Director, Network Radio; and Michael Green , Controller Radio 4.
As the BBC prepares for the decade ahead, this is your chance to enter the debate on the Corporation's proposals, policies and priorities for the future.
Producer NICK UTECHIN Lines open from 8.00am
The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine was the first of its kind in the world, and still pioneers research into the health problems of developing countries. On a recent visit,
GeoffWatts learned what the future holds for the control and management of conditions ranging from malaria and snakebite to hearing loss and administrative confusion. Producer ALISON RICHARDS
(Revised re-broadcast tomorrow at 8. 15pm)
Teddy Makes Three by ROSE MILLIGAN
Read by Jane Hazlegrove Producer GILLIAN HUSH BBC Manchester
New Every Morning, page 5;
Thy kingdom come! (BBC HB 28); Psalm 46; Ephesians 3, vv 1-11; Jesus, good above all other (BBC HB 72) Stereo
New Year's Resolutions (1) by MARCIA KAHAN
Directed by A. J. QUINN. Stereo (Part2on Thursday 11.00am)
'Citizens' synopsis on Ceefaxpage 144
with Daniel Snowman
1: Professor
Dame Leonie Kramer discusses the conflict between egalitarianism and the pursuit of excellence.
Presented by Susan Rae
Gordon Clough and Louis Allen preside over the final spasm of cerebral callisthenics and aerobics for the lobes.
Irene Thomas and Eric Korn challenge Maurice Hayes and Paddy Fitzpatrick.
Researcher BERNICE COUPE Producer ALASTAIR WILSON BBC Manchester
Presented by Nick Worrall
Today's story: Dark Is Necessary Stereo
In the programme that puts you in touch with politics, people and places, Jenni Murray listens to women singers from around the world and discovers what these very different musical traditions have in common.
Serial: Fiela's Child (2)
Tony has found an outlet for his skills compiling questionnaires for a local political party. He's rather good at it, the money's good and the local city agent is thinking of putting him on the full-time staff. But he hasn't altogether been following the procedures correctly: in fact he's been using his imagination a little too much.
Directed by DAVE SHEASBY BBC North East. Stereo.
A second chance to hear
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf in conversation with Richard Baker about the conductors, singers and accompanists she has worked with during her long and varied career. She also offers some thoughts on the art of singing and her approach to giving masterclasses. Producers JUDITH ROLES and NIGEL WILKINSON Stereo (R)
In the firstprogramme of a new series, reporters Neil Walker and David Clayton link up with Local Radio stations around the country in search of Britain's Olympic hopefuls. A Promise in Korea
A gold medal in Seoul this summer is the dream - the reality is long hours of winter training. The Local Network 8 follows the dentists, steelworkers and prison warders in their struggle to be 5 the best in the world. Producer GLYN JONES 1: BBC North East
(Re-broadcast next Sunday)
0 YOURS LOCALLY: pp 76- 77
Presented by Robert Williams and Bill Frost continued on VHF/FM 5.50-5.55
With CHARLOTTE GREEN including Financial Report
The first in a series of six comedy shows written and presented by Andy Hamilton and Nick Revell with Felicity Montagu and Harry Enfield
Producer PAUL MAYHEW ARCHER Stereo (R)
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1. 40pm)
(Details tomorrow at 4.05pm)
Over 600 boats, a wealth of marine equipment and the very latest nautical accessories are gathered at Earls Court for the 34th London International Boat Show. Cliff Michelmore and Dilly Barlow are there to test the best from the show, and to look at the special features, which this year include a replica of St Peter Port in Guernsey and an international exhibition to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada.
In a series of three programmes. Liz Holmes looks at the changing role of the actress on the British stage over the last century.
1:A Knack of Pleasingwith and Producer JOHN KNIGHT BBC Bristol. Stereo (R)
For those with a visuaHiandicap Presented by Peter White Producer THENA HESHEL
Phone in on [number removed]between 8. 30 and 10. 15pm
Presented by Prabhu Guptara Producer SALLY MARMION
Bevis (2)
Presented by Alexander MacLeod
Tatiana Nikolaeva plays piano music by Bach, Shostakovich and Tchaikovsky. Stereo records (R)
followed by an interlude