Farming, food and countryside news, market trends, weather
Presented by John Humphrys and Chris Lowe
6.30, 7.30, 8.30 News Summary
6.45* Business News With PETER DAY
7.00,8.00 Today's News Read by BRYAN MARTIN
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.45* Thought for the Day
4: Where'er You Walk
comprising a collection of songs taken from the 200 years of American history, that either have a surprising history or made history in surprising ways.
(R) revised
Presented by Fergus Keeling Reports on what is happening in the natural world. Producer JOHN HARRISON BBC Bristol
(Re-broadcast next Sunday)
Introduced from Broadcasting House, London Stereo
New Year's Resolutions (2) byMARCIAKAHAN Stereo
(Omnibus edition on Saturday)
A series of conversations between Cliff Morgan and guests who are invited to talk about their lives and the people who have greatly influenced them.
1:Jane Glover
Britain's foremost woman conductor has made her name both as a musician and as a television personality.
Her career has taken her to all the major musical stages around the world, and her achievements have made her something of a 'hero' for aspiring young musicians. But who are her heroes?
Patrick Hannan on the hidden perils of language, beginning with a cautionary tale of how French can lead to baldness. Producer HERBERT WILLIAMS BBC Wales
Presented by John Buckley
A special invitation challenge match featuring the winners and runners-up of the 1987 Brain of Britain and Mastermind competitions. Chairman Robert Robinson Taking part Ian Sutton (Brain of Britain 1987) Peter Richardson (Runner-Up
Brain of Britain 1987) Jeremy Bradbrooke (Mastermind 1987) Michael Billson
(Runner-Up Mastermind 1987) The programme includes specialist rounds on subjects chosen by the contestants: the wines of France; the life and work of George Stephenson ; the Crimean War; the Battle of Britain.
Producer RICHARD EDIS Stereo
Presented by Nick Worrall
Today's story: Dark is Wonderful Stereo
If women have equality, why do they still need their own programme?
Find out with Jenni Murray Serial: Fiela's Child (4)
Alex Rainey is an American who hates England but loves his English wife. However, when they find a dead body in one of the beds of the Somerset guest house they are temporarily managing. Rainey finds a new interest in detective work.
Directed by SHAUN MACLOUGHLIN BBC Bristol. Stereo
Originally. a book's dust-jacket was commonly cut from rough brown paper and did a straightforward job of protecting a sober inner cover.
Nowadays, a jacket's function is complex and vitally important: in the publishing world. hollow cardboard mock-ups model shrewdly designed jackets before teams of market researchers.
Nigel Forde investigates. Producer ANDREW PARFITT (Re-broadcast next Sunday)
(Revised broadcast of yesterday 's programme at 9. 45pm)
Presented by Robert Williams and Frances Coverdale continued on VHF/FM 5.50-5.55
With EUGENF. FRASER including Financial Report
John Amis and Frank Muir challenge
Ian Wallace and Denis Norden In the Chair Steve Race
Questions compiled by STEVE RACE Producer PETE ATKIN. Stereo
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 1.40pm)
Introduced by Brian Gear
Producer CAROLE STONE. BBC Bristol Send your letters to: Any Answers? BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
A tragedy told by The Rt Hon Enoch Powell Did Neville Chamberlain remember in 1938 that his father, Joseph, 60 years earlier had declared 'Peace with honour is peace with humbug'? The story of 'Radical Joe', the kingmaker of British politics. and of his two sons. Austen and Neville, begins in Birmingham and ends in Downing Street.
Their achievements and their acclaim are overshadowed by the final irony.
With Arnold Peters , John Samson and Karen Archer Producer CF.I.IA MARKS BBC Pebble Mill
A special edition of this popular programme which examines some of the more peculiar comic songs of the past 100 years or so. From the funny peculiar to the funny ha-ha, from
Cedric Hardwicke to Nellie Wallace , Cole Porter to Richard Stilgoe. more bizarre and off-beat songs that have raised a laugh over the years.
Written and presented by Jeremy Nicholas
A magazine of special interest to disabled listeners and their families, with countrywide news and views on all matters of concern to them.
Presented by Kati Whitaker Producer MARLENE PEASE
Correspondence and enquiries to: Does He Take Sugar?
BBC. London WIA 4WW Phone [number removed]
Linesopenfrom 10.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday
A second chance to hear some of the solid gold unearthed in the BBC Sound Archives by a hand-picked team of archaeologists. This week Glyn Worsnip discovers spies at the BBC. Producer BRIAN COOK. (R)
Paul Allen presents tonight's edition, which includes interviews, and news and reviews of films, books, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions.
(Re-broadcast tomorrow at 4.30pm)
Bevis (4)
Presented by Richard Kershaw National and international news. background, analysis and comment
Cecile Ousset plays piano music by Faure, Debussy and Satie. Stereo records (R)
followed by an interlude