8.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
John Timpson reports from Brighton on the opening of this year's Conservative Party
Conference. In London Brian Redhead.
6.45* Prayer for the Day
6.55, 7.55 Weather forecast
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
Read by PETER DONALDSON 725*.8.25*Sport
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
Part 2
8.57 Weather: travel
As we approach the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness Tuesday Call tackles autumn gardening. There are two experts in the studio: Ken Burras, curator of the University Botanic Gardens in Oxford and Clay Jones. They will be keeping up to date with new and traditional suggestions for planting: and advice on which tasks the gardener should be tackling now.
Judith Chalmers is in the Chair.
Produced by the Woman's Hour unit
Lines open from 8.0 am
long wave only
long wave only
That One by PHYLLIS ANDERSON Read by Eiry Palfrey
1 He sat on an upturned bucket in the garden, hugging his bony knees and thoughtfully chewing his sweets Why was It a pity about him? '
Producer HERBERT WILLIAMS BBC Wales long wave only
NEM. p 97; 0 word of God incarnate (BBC H3 191); Psalm 119. Pt 6; Luke 8, vv 26-39 (NEB): Jesu, our hope, our heart's desire (BBC HB 126)
followed by travel long wave only
by Richard Hughes
(Broadcast: Sat 2.5 pm)
(long wave only)
In this special edition, Wildlife reads your letters. plays your favourite sounds and puzzles you with the mystery sound competition.
Presented by Derek Jones Producer MELINDA BARKER BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Sat 3.5 pm) long wave onlu
Presenter Jennl Mills
Nigel Rees Invites Robert Lacey Naomi Lewis
Christopher Matthew and Sir Huw Wheldon to identify quotations, famous and obscure, and to share their favourites. Quotations read by RONALD FLETCHER
12.55 Weather: travel: programme news
Presenter Peter Hobday
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Introduced by Toni Arthur But This is My Home:
SYLVIA HORN looks at the problem of women who live in the UK but are not allowed to have their foreign husbands with them - the rule does not apply to men. Fit for Winter:
PAT THORNTON investigates some of the many kinds of exercise class available. 1: Body Conditioning The Ballad and the Source (2) long wave only
In the first of four programmes David Bean reflects on his career as non-organisation man.
BBC Manchester
Johnny Morris made his first broadcast on April Fool's Day 1946. He recalls radio as he knew it then and some of his later experiences in the medium.
BBC Bristol
Two on a Tower by THOMAS HARDY abridged in 12 parts by MICHAEL BOWEN
Read by CHARLES KAY (12) Producer PAMELA HOWE BBC Bristol
Presenters Valerie Singleton and Robert Williams on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather: programme news
With PETER DONALDSON including Financial Report
(Details: Thurs 12.27 pm)
(Repeated: Wed 1.40 pm)
Geoff Watts reports on the health of medical care. Producer GEOFF DEEHAN
(Repeated: Sat 2.35 pm)
Major issues, changing attitudes, important events at home and a.broad.
Reporter Michael Delahaye Producer PAUL CAMPBELL Editor DAVID TAYLOR BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Wed 4.10 pm)
The Instruments of Jazz A series of eight programmes 2: The Trombone
Producer ALAN OWEN
(Neit week: The Clarinet)
A series of six programmes
2: Vietnamese Boat People
The fall of Saigon in April 1975 paved the way foranexodus,whichina century littered by such flights, is surely the most remarkable of them all. Over 15,000 boat people have come to Britain, and. surprisingly, most of them are from North Vietnam, not the formerly capitalist South. Why did they risk so much to leave - and what sort of hosts are the British?
Robert Rowe reports on the varying fortunes of the Vietnamese in Britain. Producer ANDREW VIVIAN
Ian Macray reports on Henshaws Independent Centre, set up to teach living skills to blind teenagers with additional handicaps.
Presented by Peter White Producer THENA HESHEL Listeners can phone in queries and comments relating to the programme on [number removed], 8.30-10.0 pm Handbook of aids and services, £2.95 from [address removed]
includes reviews of The Skull Beneath the Skin, a new mystery thriller by P. D. James featuring her investigator Cordelia Gray who is called upon to solve a series of dramatic deaths on a small island off the Dorset coast; and Hammett, Wim Wender 's film set in San Francisco in 1928 where Dashiell Hammett , played by Frederick Forrest , is confronted in real life by a private detective who bears an uncanny resemblance to one of his own fictional characters. Presenter Natalie Wheen Producer
Stephen Milligan reporting
University student in Delhi or low caste villager in the country? Indian women fight for a different kind of emancipation to women in the West, as Liz Mardall and Sally Thompson discovered on a visit to India for Woman's Hour.
The Ballad of Peckham Rye (7) long wave only
long wave only
Sue MacGregor talks to the Yorkshire cave diver Geoff Yeadon.
BBC Manchester (Repeal) long wave only followed by an interlude
Weather report; forecast long wave only followed by an interlude