News, weather, paperi and sport
A regional review of farming in the week ahead
Presented from Scotland by Allan Wright BBC Scotland
6.25 Shipping forecast long leave only
Presenters John Tlmpson and Libby Purves
6.45* Prayer for the Day THE REV DR JOHN NEWTON.
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by CHRISTOPHER SLADE
7.30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
A look ahead with John Marsh
again tries to set the record straight with the help of the BBC Sound Archives.
and some of the personalities who will be making the news this week.
long wave only
long wave only
NEM. p 58; Most ancient of all mysteries (BP 61);
Psalm 150; Jeremiah 1. vv 4-10. 17-19 (AV); Father most holy, merciful and loving (BBC HB 167) long uave only
By My Beard bv OBE
Read by John Westbrook. Producer MITCH RAPER
long wave only
long wave only
Some of the poetry requested by Radio 4 listeners
Presented bv
P. J. Kavanagh Readers
Producer BRIAN PATTEN BBC Bristol
(Repeated- Fri 4.5 pm) long wave only
News, views and advice for consumers.
Presenter Bill Breckon Editor DAVID HARDING
Not only a return of the much-loved weekly sideswipe at the news, but a special edition from The London International finds out whether
Alan Coren. Joan Bakewell and Simon Hoggart know more about the last few weeks than
Nigel Dempster. Ann Leslie and Stan McMurlry.
Compiled by JOHN LANGDON and the producer DANNY GREENSTONE
(Repeated: Tues 10.30 pm) (A new series of The
News Quiz begins next Saturday)
12.55 Weather: programme news
Presenter Brian Widlake with voices and topics in and behind the headlines Editor DEREK LEWIS
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Introduced by Margaret Percy
Including during the week some Talking Point discussions, Your Letters and other topics.
Among these today:
Fabrics in Fashion (2): Margaret Percy looks at the properties of leather. Forthcoming Attractions : Gordon Gow previews films on BBC tv during the next fortnight.
Blood on the Snow by Emanuel Litvinoff abridged in 15 parts by Jack Singleton
Read by John Bennett (11)
(long wave only)
(John Bennett is in "The Sound of Music" at the Apollo Victoria Theatre, London)
I Married You For Fun A comedy by NATALIA GINSBUR :;, translated from the Italian by HENRY REED with Giuliana may be an impossible girl, but Pietro finds her irresistible. It isn't exactly love at first sight, but he knows she must become his wife.
They marry in haste. After one week of marriage can it be that they will come to repent at leisure?
Directed by JOHN TYDEMAN
A series of six programmes about people whose jobs bring them into confrontation with the world at large.
3: Tony Hooper, VAT Inspector
Producer JOHN STANLEY BBC Birmingham
The Moonspinners by MARY STEWART abridged in 11 parts bv BARRY CAMPBELL
Read by Frances Jeater (1) A story of vengeance and mystery in the ancient island of Crete. The beautiful Nicola Ferris has never met a situation - or a man - she can't cope with. But when she gets caught up in a private vendetta, with two young Englishmen being hunted to their deaths, she meets both. Producer DAVID JOHNSTON
Gordon Clough and Robert Williams on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only S.55 Weather: programme news
including Financial Report
Written bv JAMES ROBSON (Repeated: Tues 1.40 pm) Cast for the week:
BBC Birmingham
(Revised repeal of 9.5 am)
Attics and Cellars by VALERIE WINDSOR with and 1868 - India - and Eleanor Is excitedly anticipating her marriage to The Rev Lytton Manderbill. who will then take up his appointment in England. From the sultry heat of India, Eleanor. comes to a cool, English spring, to the strange house with its sombre atmosphere, unexplained attics and dark, grim cellars - and into the care of a man she realises she has never really understood.
Music and special effects by ILONA SEKACZ
Ondes Martenot played by JOHN MORTON
Directed by KAY PATRICK BBC Manchester
(Repeated: Sun 2.30 pm)
includes The Hotel New Hampshire by John Irving , author of The
World According to Carp; and The Fenby Legacy, new recordings of music by Frederick Delius conducted by Eric Fenby who, as a young man, helped the blind and partly paralysed composer to continue to work. Presented by Paul Vaughan
with Alexander MacLeod Editor ALASTAIR OSBORNE
Presented by Peter Evans Producer RICHARD ELLIS
How Steeple Sinderby Wanderers Won the FA Cup by J. L. CARR abridged in eight parts by NEVILLE TELLER
Read by Terry Molloy (1) A humorous account of the phenomenal rise to fame of an obscure East Anglian village football team as they become the giant-killers of all time and fulfil the fantasies of every rural league
Sunday morning player, Producer ROGER PINE BBC Birmingham long wave only
long wave only
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude