6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Brian Redhead
6.45* Prater for the Day With THE REV ALEC GILMORE
7.0, 8.0 Today's News Read by JOHN MARSH
7 30 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
Back Pain
Backache is a major problem bringing discomfort and disability to very many people. It is also a serious economic problem for the nation. If you would like to find out about ways of preventing or treating back pain. ring Doctor David Delvin. medical editor of General Practitioner, and George Raine , Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. Barbara Myers is in the chair.
Produced by the Woman's Hour Unit
Lines open from 8.0 am long wave only
long wave only
Producer ELIZABETH SHEEHY long wave only
NEM, p 114; Spread, 0 spread (BBC m 182); Psalm 82; Psalm 149, vv 1-4, and Psalm 150 (RSV); Now thank we all our God (BBC HB 277)
by ERIC WILLIAMS (2) long wave only
long wave only
Bernard Gallagher and John Bull in Danger! Man at Work! by ANDREW PAYNE
Dixon arrives for his first day's work with hope and expectation. His boss, Mr Congleton , provides him with far more than his wildest imagination could hope to expect....
Directed by PETER KING long wave only
Diane Harron listens in to some of the BBC's local and regional broadcasts, and shares her selection of the most fascinating, the most lively and the most thoughtful programmes from Plymouth to the Orkneys.
Producer JANE MARSHALL BBC Birmingham long wave only
Presenters Nancy Wise and Bill Breckon
12.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
Presented by Robin Day
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
Talking Point.
Reading Your Letters.
One Little Fidget: GEOFFREY PARKINSON remembers his earliest schooldays.
Journey to Amrltsar (2) long wave only
Story: Brown Bear Pulls up his Socks by ELIZABETH ROBINSON
by D. H. LAWRENCE : Part 1
4.40 Announcements
The Rejuvenator by STAN SHEAMAY
Read by Irene Sutcllffe
with Susannah Simons and Robert Williams
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
including Financial Report
A panel game
ChairmanNicholasParsons in which
Kenneth Williams Clement Freud Derek Nimmo and Rob Buckman endeavour to prevent each other from talking for just a minute.
(Kenneth Williams is in < The Undertaking ' at the Fortune Theatre, London)
(Repeated: Wed 1.40 pm)
Themes from the 70s
1: The Diminishing of the Presidency
The American President occupies the most powerful office in the world. He is both head of state and head of government in the most powerful and prosperous country in history. But during the last decade, the institution of the Presidency has been gravely weakened. Under Richard Nixon , Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter , it has lost the capacity to organise support for its policies in the Congress. It has lost, too, the automatic hold upon the affection and respect of the American people that was once thought the President's entitlement.
Charles Wheeler presents a programme which traces this weakening of the institution back to the debacle in. Vietnam and the disgrace of Watergate. Producer
with Peter White. Including cookery hints from Hannah Wright , and advice for blind diabetics. Producer THENA HESHEL
Free quarterly bulletin, summarising information broadcast, available from Room 7060, Broadcasting House, London WIA 1AA. Send four large saes for a year's supply.
In the first of three programmes Bill Robertson unravels the tangled web of advertising and public relations.
Is our taste in chocolate conditioned entirely by advertising? Did the ITV strike show that manufacturers do not need television commercials to sell their goods?
Presenter Tony Palmer Producer JOHN BOUNDY
9.59 Weather
Douglas Stuart reporting
[Picture caption] The ghost of Zaphod Beeblebrox the 4th gives himself a nasty shock.
New Year Season
Fit the second: In which our heroes have the chance to chew the fat with some old enemies and Arthur Dent has an unpleasant cup of tea.
Eddie: "Man and machines share in the stimulating exchange of... aaargh."
[Starring] Peter Jones as the Book
with Simon Jones as Arthur Dent, Geoffrey McGivern as Ford Prefect, Mark Wing-Davey as Zaphod Beelebrox, Stephen Moore as Marvin/Gag Halfrunt, David Tate as Eddie, Bill Wallis as the Vogon Captain, Leueen Willoughby as the Nutrimat Machine and Richard Goolden as Zaphod Beeblebrox IV
Short Stories by WILLIAM TREVOR 2: The Distant Past long wave only
long wave only
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude