Introduced by Brian Redhead and John Timpson
6.45* Prayer lor the Day With DR FRED MILSOM
7.0. 8.0 Today's News
7.3t, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day
We're Only Here for the Food!
As the dampness of winter approaches, the ground softens and the haws ripen, offering a living to visiting snipe and fieldfares. On this Radio Nature Trail, a look at the ways winter migrants take advantage of the newly available food supplies. Introduced by Derek Jones. Producer
Maureen O'Connor and Barry Turner (with your help) plot the crisis points of schooldays and arm you to make the best decisions along the way.
This week: Everything you need to know about secondary school Producer
visits Sussex where members of the Burgess Hill Garden and Allotments Association put their questions to
NEM, page 118; 0 come, let us sing to the Lord (BBC HB 465): Psalm 118, vv 13-24: Genesis 18, vv 1-15 (Rsv): 0 happy band of pilgrims (BBC HB 335)
Read by Charlie Chester
Current and controversial issues are put on trial before Dick Taverne , qc, and an audience of jurors in Broadcasting House, London
This evening's proposition: The Barriers to the Ordination of Women to the Priesthood should now be removed.
It is proposed by The Rt Rev Cyril Bowles , the Bishop of Derby and opposed by The Rev John Broadhurst
Producer KAY EVANS
A wild garden. a rookery, two churches and a yew hedge frame the view for Peter France at his home in the Cotswolds. BBC Bristol
Presenters Nancy Wise and Bill Breckon
12.55 Weather: programme news: medium wave
Presented by Brian Widlake
Introduced by Sue MaeGregor
Guest of the Week: Lynn Seymour , ballerina and Artistic Director of the Bavarian State Ballet.
2.4-2.2 News
Toys in Store: TONY BARNFIELD takes some young consumers to sample some of the hundreds of possible Christmas presents.
Animal Relations: an occasional look at the world of animals with MOLLY PRICE-OWEN .
Practical Books for Christmas: ANNE DONALDSON takes a look at some books on things to do and how to dothem.
Hedfngbam Harvest (7) med wave only from 2.0
Story: Whitewash by LILIAN DAYKIN medium ware only
a comedy by J.C.W. Brook
A man gets up and goes to work and decides to give up smoking. A simple story you might say, but this time we hear it from the point of view of the various organs in his body - the inside story as it were.
from Salisbury Cathedral Responses (Ayleward)
Psalm 78 (chants: Oakeley. Robinson, Stonex, Monk, Parry, Bairstow, Stanford, Mann)
Lessons: Genesis 44, w 1-17: Revelation 8
Canticles (Murrill in e)
Anthem: Set me as a seal upon thine heart (Walton) Organist and Master of the Choir Richard SEAL Assistant Organist COLIN WALSH BBC Bristol
Omar (8)
Presented by Robert Williams and Susannah Simons
5.55 Weather: programme news:
(Details: Friday 12.27)
(Repeated: Thurs 1.30 pm)
Presented by Roger Cook
(Repeated: Thurs 10.5 am)
Christianity and the World Order
3: A New Commandment: Human Rights
The Rev Dr Edward Norman. Dean of Peterhouse, Cambridge, argues that the consensus within the western churches that identifies Christianity and Human Rights runs into difficulty when it is applied to religious liberty in the Soviet Union, because the practice of adding religious authority to moral and political campaigns for Human Rights is both divisive and partial. In reality, Human Rights issues become the means by which Christians express their endorsement of the political values of their own societies.
Fit the Third: after being improbably rescued from certain death in the vacuum of space, Arthur Dent and his new companions now face a missile attack and certain death. starring with and Special effects by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. Written by DOUGLAS ADAMS. Producer
Manifest Destiny Presented by John Eidinow
In spite of the recent well publicised diplomatic ' spectaculars ', the Carter administration's foreign policy remains something of an enigma. Has it really taken a harder line against the Soviet Union? What is its policy in Africa? Is there an underlying principle or are its actions merely pragmatic? Producer GREVILLE HAVENHAND
(Repeated: Thurs 11.5 am)
Presenter Michael Oliver Producer ANNE WINDER
Douglas Stuart reporting
Sir John Gielgud, in the fourth of 11 programmes, talks to John Miller.
'Following The Three Sisters run, Komisarjevsky asked me to play in a play called Katerina, which was by Leonid Andreyev, a very lurid melodrama. It was a very interesting and extraordinary part, but I was very intense in it, and Agate said, "Mr Gielgud is becoming one of our more promising young actors, but he shouldn't come up the stairs into the studio like one rising from the grave"; which I'm sure was an excellent criticism. But I remember Mrs Patrick Campbell came to see it and said, "Oh you're very good, you ought always to wear a goatee".'
The Price of Love (3)
Weather report; forecast followed by an interlude