Full coverage of the Japanese Grand Prix from Suzuka.
Commentary by Murray Walker and James Hunt. Producer Mark Wilkin
Executive producer Jim Reside
Building Regulations.
Colin Morris claims that morality and creed govern religious belief. He talks to an audience at
Westminster College, Oxford. ● STEREO
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Magazine programme for deaf and hard-of-hearing people. Jack Ashley reports on what television has planned for Deaf Awareness Week, which starts tomorrow. Plus, a new device to access captioned feature films through videos.
With signing and subtitles. ● STEREO
● EDITOR'S LETTER: page 121
4: Giving clear instructions. With photographer Santosh Perera at Brands Hatch.
Last in series. How best and how fast to learn a new language.
How does the lack of language training affect British business?
0 FACTSHEET: send sae to [address removed]Or telephone Factline: 0[number removed]. Calls are 36p per minute cheap rate, 48p per minute other times.
4: Small business expert David Hall shows a sticky-label firm in Suffolk how to find markets.
A Diverse production for BBCtv ● STEREO
0 TRAINING PACK: available to small businesses for £15, by credit card on the 24-hour number [number removed].
Maria Jose Sevilla ends her gastronomic journey through Spain, in Andalusia.
Rural issues with John Craven. Including at 12.55 the weather for the week ahead.
Followed by On the Record
Presented by Jonathan Dimbleby , with John Cole.
Omnibus edition.
Pauline tackles Arthur about Dot's gossip.
(Stereo) (Teletext subtitles: p 888)
Allan is very concerned about his brother's disappearance.
The original version of James Herriot 's popular vet stories, starring Simon Ward
Anthony Hopkins
1937: arriving in the Yorkshire Dales, young vet James Herriot faces trials and tribulations - with animals and humans.
DirectorClaude Whatham
● TELETEXT SUBTITLES: page 888 ● FILMS: pages 49-56
From the National Exhibition
Centre, Birmingham. Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson and Quentin Willson are joined by Michele Newman and Steve Johnson to review the new star cars. Plus, a chance to win a high-speed ride in a Jaguar XJ220.
● COMPETITION LINE: 0[number removed]
Calls are charged at 36p per minute cheap rate. 48p per minute at other times.
Featuring Paris Fashion Week, an event which continues to thrill even the most hardened of fashion journalists. And Jeff Banks presents a shopping guide to half-price chic. Producer Colette Foster
Executive producer Roger Casstles ● STEREO
Jonathan Dimbleby appeals on behalf of the Council for the Protection of Rural England. ● STEREO
● DONATIONS: [address removed], or telephone [number removed].
With Chris Lowe.
Weather Michael Fish
From Shrewsbury Abbey in Shropshire - the ancient church featured in the medieval
Brother Cadfael murder mysteries. Author Ellis Peters (real name Edith Pargeter ) joins today's congregation. Hymns: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; All My Hope on God is Founded; Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence; Fight the Good
Fight; Dear Lord and Father of Mankind; For All the Saints; 0 Praise Ye the Lord!
Producer Diane Reid
Editor Roger Hutchings
The return of Roy Clarke 's long-running comedy starring Bill Owen Peter Sallis , Brian Wilde
By the Magnificent Thighsof Ernie Burniston. Compois coming to terms with being less agile than he used to be - until he sees old Ernie cycling past.
Director/Producer Alan J W Bell
Regional Variations (2)
The House of Eliott
With news about Ralph's secret financial dealings out in the open, could the Eliott's go out of business? Elizabeth confronts Alexander about his affair with Evie.
Regional Variations (2)
Birds of a Feather: Hungry for Love
After Darryl says she needs to lose weight, Tracey goes on a diet - only for him to worry that she looks too alluring. Dorien presumes that her hunky new builder is gay, but Sharon learns otherwise. Show more
With Michael Buerk.
Weather Michael Fish
• TELETEXTSUBTITLES (news): page 888
The Screen One season concludes with a fast-moving comedy thriller written by Tony Sarchet, and starring Alfred Molina
Harry plays hoaxes on gullible tabloid journalists. But when he gets ambitious and tries to sell the faked memoirs of a contract killer to a publisher, things start to go seriously wrong. Among the fine cast are Hywel Bennett, Jill Gascoine, Jack Shepherd and Roger Lloyd Pack.
Stereo. Teletext Subtitle: p888
Feature: Page 24
No Great Trauma? The judge at the Ealing vicarage rape case described victim Jill Saward 's trauma as "not so very great". She responded with this frank film, documenting her experience of rape and her subsequent treatment by male doctors, the press and the legal system. With jenni Murray. Producer Jane Stephenson Series editor John Blake
A Touch production for BBCtv ● TELETEXTSUBTITLES: page 888
Mike Scott continues his
European tour by lorry to see whether the 1992 single market is proving good for British business. Today, he reaches Spain, which has the EC's fastest growing economy. Producer Simon Berthon
A Brian Lapping production for BBCtv
0 BOOKLET: send a£2.00cheque/PO
(payable to BSS) to: [address removed]
Thirteen-part drama series set in Pakistan.