9.0 Shakespeare In Perspective: Henry V
A BBC Ariel book, Shakespeare In Perspective Vol 1. £3.95 from booksellers
9.30 Alles Klar: Talking About Yourself
9.48 Mathscore Two: 3: A Matter of Degree
10.10 Look and Read: Sky Hunter: Proof at Last!
10.35 Geography: Resource Units 11-13: River Landscape
11.0 Watch: Underground Pipes
Ben Thomas and Louise Hall-Taylor lead the way through a maze of facts about the pipes and passages beneath our feet. Sewers, subways, cables, underground railways and tunnels are investigated, Ben tells the story of Theseus and the Minotaur and both presenters end up in a labyrinth game.
Watch Again (record REC 371, cassette ZCH 875) from retailers
11.17 Walrus: Houw too spel
11.40 Junior Craft, Design and Technology: Up and Down the Hill - Uphill
12.03 pm General Studies: A Crowded Space