A new documentary by Hugh Burnett who reports on the violent and peaceful ways in which Christianity and Apartheid exist side by side.
African guerrillas - aided with money from the World Council of Churches - nail small children to trees to wither in the sun: it's claimed by the Moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church in the Cape. Racial segregation in church is based on biblical teaching, says Dr. J.D. Vorster, newly elected head of the Dutch Reformed Church and brother of the Prime Minister.
Love dictates violence, when what you love is attacked, said the Dean of Johannesburg, before he was arrested. The trends in South Africa will inevitably mean a bigger blood-bath than Vietnam, says an African theological student.
They all speak in the name of Christ and are prepared to die for their convictions. But in South Africa even Christians have to compromise.
(Inside South Africa...: page 3)