Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Together with her mum, Huggleboo builds a gorgeous cradle for the baby in mummy's tummy. Actually, Huggleboo would also like a cradle!
Tha Bing, Flop, Pando is Padget ’son a dhol chun na tràghad – ach ciamar a thèid dhaibh? Bing, Flop, Pando and Padget want to go to the beach, but will things work out for them? Show more
Tha a’ Chearc Iarainn an-dòchas gum bi cuideigin ann a ghabhas a cuid sgudail. The Iron Chicken is hoping to find someone to take her rubbish. Show more
Series 1
Chan eil mi airson is gum bìd biastag eile mi!/I don’t want any more bugs to bite me!
7 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for 9 months
Petit gets bitten by one of Tadeo's fleas. He and his friends decide to get rid of the fleas once and for all. Show more
Tha Gasta a-staigh a’ faireachdainn glè chòsaidh ach tha a charaidean airson cluich. Gasta is inside feeling cosy but his friends want to play. Show more
Tha feum aig eun le sgiath ghoirt air àite-fuirich agus ‘s e Sù Pìc an dearbh àite dhi. A bird with a broken wing needs somewhere to rest and Sù Pìc is the perfect place for her. Show more
Mòrag Anna NicNèill a’ leughadh A’ Choinean Chòir. Morag Ann MacNeil reads A’ Choinean Chòir. Show more
The Princess becomes a teenager, known as Dark Dawn. Mr Snuggles turns all the teddies in the world evil, including Penfold's teddy bear Bernard. Show more
The CBBC ALBA presenters love a good challenge but who will emerge victorious as Mhairi joins them? Show more
Chan eil rudan a’ dol gu math le Bonns nuair a tha e tighinn tarsainn air na cnuimhean. Things don’t go so well with Bonns when he comes across the Cnuimhean. Show more
Cùisean a’ dol sìos mar ’s àbhaist is droch bheachd eile aig Coinneach Clogaid. Things are going downhill as usual and Coinneach Clogaid has another bad idea. Show more
Tha Tintin a' dèanamh air Sildàbhia ach tha cunnartan 's iomadh rabhadh roimhe mus fhàg e. Tintin goes to Syldavia but he faces many warnings and dangers before he departs.
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Cù pug a’ dol fo lannsa, fiadh-bheatha is uain air am breith anns a’ phàirce-chàraichean. A young pug has surgery and twin lambs are born in the car park in Benbecula. Show more
How Seona McClintock became fluent in the language, and Calum Maclean heads out to sea with a hard-working crew who have saved many lives. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Gregor gets creative using leftover panettone to make moist frangipane cakes known as Bostock. Show more
Revealing the variety and importance of Jurassic dinosaur finds on Skye. Beairteas làraich chudromach dìneasar na linne Jurassic san Eilean Sgitheanaich. Show more
Tha na seòid a’ toirt sùil air innealan a bhios a’ toirt taic dhuinn sa chidsin. The lads have a look at cooking aids, gadgets to help in the kitchen. Show more
Sarah Jane’s life goes from strength to strength until a stranger from her past arrives back in Camus. Show more
Cathy MacDonald explores the fact behind the fiction of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’lorg na fìrinn air cùl na sgeòil a rinn Shakespeare mu MhacBeatha. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.