Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha fuaim taibhseil a’ tighinn à frids AH-AH ach dè tha ga adhbharachadh? There’s a ghostly noise coming from AH-AH’s fridge, but what’s causing it? Show more
Tha an tuathanas a’ cur fàilte air piseagan ùra ach feumaidh an treubh cumail sàmhach. The farm welcomes newborn kittens, but the gang have to keep the noise down. Show more
Tha am Màidsear air innleachd eile a chruthachadh – inneal glanaidh. Màidsear has invented another machine, a cleaning one. Show more
Boléro is taken prisoner by Jean-Mich and Jean-Lou, who think he is the "Big Bad Bear". Show more
Brush decides to start a ladies club and invites all the ladies of the forest for brunch. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
A ratings war is declared as two pirate radio stations battle it out to win listeners in Fraochy Bay. Show more
Live League 1 football coverage as table toppers Falkirk travel to Dumfries to face Queen of the South. Show more
Ramsay escapes Glasgow for an action-packed weekend in Speyside. Ramsay a’teiche a Glaschu airson dà latha luma làn ann an Srath Spè. Show more
Sùil air cuid de na sgeulachdan a nochd san t-sreath tbh Prosbaig. Donald Morrison looks back at some of the stories from the BBC Gaelic current affairs series. Show more
Recipes and top baking tips from Gregor MacLeod and friends. Reasapaidhean ‘s fìor chomhairle fuinidh bho Ghriogair MacLeòid ‘s a charaidean. Show more
Màiri Anna NicUalraig a’ lìbhrigeadh prògraim-ciùil bho Celtic Connections 2024. Mary Ann Kennedy presents a music show from Celtic Connections 2024. Show more
While a tour zig zagging the UK and Ireland pulls in the fans, the toll of being constantly on the road brings challenges for the Peat & Diesel boys. Show more
Peat & Diesel a’ dèanamh na cuirme as motha aca fhathast aig na Barrowlands ann an Glaschu. Peat & Diesel play one of their biggest gigs yet at the iconic Glasgow Barrowlands. Show more
In the greatest sports competitions these days, victory comes down to the smallest details. Anns na farpaisean as motha, 's e glè bheag a th' eadar buannachd is call.
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Tha Calum a’ siubhal suas Gleann Lìomhann air rothair airson dealbh a thogail. Calum takes a bike trip up Glen Lyon to track down an ancient subject for his photo. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.