Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
A heatwave has struck the forest. Fed up with the high temperatures, Ping Wing decides to pack her bags and go back to her original home, the South Pole. Show more
Tha Shane ‘s a charaidean feumach air an sàbhaladh ‘s iad a buain shiristean! Shane and some of his friends need to be rescued from their cherry-picking adventures! Show more
Mr Martin, owner of the Great Galeries, would like Ernest to play in his shop. To accompany Ernest's violin, he lends him an old mechanical piano that's completely out of tune. Show more
Tha Mgr Pìc air bhioran ‘s e dol a shealltainn an dachaigh ùr do na goiriolathan. Mgr Pìc is thrilled to be showing the gorillas to their new home. Show more
Catriona Mhoireach a’ leughadh An Solas air an Oidhche. Catriona Murray reads An Solas air an Oidhche. Show more
Tha Pòl feumach air còta ùr is gu fortanach tha fios aig Granaidh far am faigh e fear. Dave needs a new coat and luckily Gran knows of one going spare. Show more
The CBBC ALBA team learn about life in the 17th century on a visit to Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh. Show more
Tha Míriam a’ faireachdainn sèimh ’s ann an sunnd math nuair a tha i a’ surfadh sa mhuir. Míriam feels calm and full of good vibes when she is surfing in the sea. Show more
Science and comedy collide under the watchful eyes of Professor Olive and Dr Moiteal. This episode has features on elements, superhero fire hands and swelling seas. Show more
Neen MacKay explores the world of salmon and fly fishing in Scotland. This episode considers how the salmon has featured in literature and lore through the centuries. Show more
Megg McCredie from Crieff is Joy’s guest in the studio and Calum Maclean is in a small village on the Isle of Harris, which once attracted worldwide attention. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Sùil air cò ris a tha e coltach a bhi a’ fuireach air eilean àlainn Thiriodh. What it’s like to live on Tiree, the most westerly island in the Inner Hebrides? Show more
Cathy Macdonald follows three Scottish girls who, at the height of their dancing careers, perform at the iconic Parisian cabaret, The Moulin Rouge. Show more
Coinneach MacFhraing seeks out unclimbed lines and challenging new routes on the remote and beautiful island of Rona. Show more
Tuaman Na h-Èipheit/Tombs of Egypt
Series 1
Na Cisteachan-Laighe Iongantach/The Mysterious Egyptian Sarcophagi
51 minutes on BBC ALBA
After three months of excavations and dozens of sarcophagi found, more surprises lie in store for the team of Egyptian scientists. Show more
Fraochy Bay
Series 1
Episode 2: Tha cuibhlichean a ghaoil a' cuir charan (The Wheels of Love Are in the Air)
3 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Animated series. Love, loss and added extras are in the air for Miss Harper, the teacher. Show more
Two of Scotland’s leading young traditional musicians take a musical journey to some of the most remote islands off Scotland’s north west coast. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.