Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn sligean. Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s shells. Show more
When Fox mentions that Hare is his best friend, Owl decides that he needs a best friend, too. Show more
Tha reasabaidh shònraicte a thàinig bho seanmhair Mama Polenta air a call le Jay 's Mario. Jay and Mario lose a special recipe written by Mama Polenta's grandmother. Show more
Ernest's grandmother, Baboutchinka, has come to visit. To surprise her, Ernest and Célestine want to reserve a table at a restaurant. Show more
Airson òrdugh a chumail, ‘s toil le Mgr. Pìc a bhith a' cumail liosta! So as to be organised, Mgr Pìc loves to keep a list! Show more
Eoghan Stiùbhart a’ leughadh An Dìneasair Uabhasach, Uabhasach, Uabhasach Mòr. Eoghan Stewart reads An Dìneasair Uabhasach, Uabhasach, Uabhasach Mòr. Show more
Tha Pòl seachd searbh sgìth dhen teaghlach aige. Fed up with the Spuds, Dave demands to go on a ‘foreign exchange’. Show more
Tha tòrr bìgeil ‘s cur nan caran an seo! There’s a lot of noisy squealing going on!
Tha sgioba CBBC ALBA a’ faighinn a-mach mu na taibhsean a tha mas fhìor a’ fuireach ann an Caisteal Culzean. The CBBC ALBA team find out about the ghosts alleged to haunt Culzean Castle. Show more
Tha Valentin dèidheil air seòladh ’s, gu h-àraid, a’ farpais ri seòladairean eile. Valentin loves to sail and, in particular, competing with other sailors. Show more
Science and comedy collide under the watchful eyes of Professor Olive and Dr Moiteal. With contributions from Dr Eddy Graham and gag gangs from Glasgow, Tain and Cumbernauld. Show more
Neen MacKay explores the world of salmon and fly fishing in Scotland. She examines the country's unique hydro systems. Show more
Fine Mayer, who grew up in Germany, chats to Joy in the studio, and a hungry Calum Maclean is on a quest for a famous mouth-watering soup in Morayshire. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Eòrpa returns to bring you the most relevant and interesting stories from across Scotland and Europe. Show more
In the final special extended programme of the series Margo, Daniel’s sister, takes centre stage. Show more
Coinneach MacFhraing pits himself against difficult winter conditions in one of Scotland’s fearsome mountain environments. Show more
How Gandhi is considered the embodiment of non-violent resistance. An-diugh, tha Gandhi na shamhla air comhaireachd neo-ainneartach. Show more
Ramsay visits Eriskay – a place very close to his own heart. Cuairt gu eilean Èirisgeigh le Ramsay – àite a tha gu math dlùth dha chridhe. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.