Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Muireall ‘g iarraidh a dhol suas ann am bailiùn airson cuairt-adhair. Muireall wants to go in a balloon for a trip up in the sky. Show more
Tha Meanbh Chlangair 's a caraidean Lusach, a' cluich ceòl còmhla ris na Craobhan Ciùil. Tiny Clanger and her flower friends are making music with the Music Trees. Show more
Tusk is painting a portrait of Ping Wing. Well, he’s trying to. Frustrated, he throws away his attempts. Show more
Tha an Danns’ Leòmach gus bhith ann a-nochd ‘s tha AH-AH ag ionnsachadh mar a nì e danns’. The Fancy Dance is happening tonight and AH-AH wants to learn how to dance. Show more
Series 1
Chan eil mi airson is gum bìd biastag eile mi!/I don’t want any more bugs to bite me!
7 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for 12 months
Petit gets bitten by one of Tadeo's fleas. He and his friends decide to get rid of the fleas once and for all. Show more
Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ leughadh Norton agus Alpha. Niall Iain Macdonald reads Norton agus Alpha. Show more
This episode features Aleesha, a baby American alligator who is queen of her swamp and part of a clutch of 40 brothers and sisters. Show more
Chan eil beathaichean ceadaicht’ san fharpais teaghlaich, ‘s chan eil Sebastian toilichte mun seo. Animals aren't allowed to take part in the family contest. Show more
Tha na mèirlich a cumail orra - a’ toirt a’ char às an t-Siorram 's a shaighdearan. The robbers keep going – deceiving the Sheriff and his soldiers. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Peter MacKay talks about the poem “Tha thu air Aigeann M’Inntinn” by Iain Crichton Smith. Pàdruig MacAoidh le facal mun dàn “Tha thu air Aigeann m’Inntinn” le Iain Mac a’Ghobhainn. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
A writer is experiencing a dry spell, but one night he gets inspiration from a dream and rushes to write it down. Show more
Including Eigg housing issues; the start of a Scottish motor neurone society by a man from Lewis diagnosed with the disease; and studies on radiation levels in island populations. Show more
Tha na seòid a’ cleachdadh greideal phraisich gus grunn rudan luath is furasta a dhèanamh. The lads use an iron hotplate to create a variety of quick and easy meals. Show more
Tha Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain a’ coimhead air tinneas-inntinn am-measg luchd-ciùil. Mischa MacPherson looks at mental health struggles in the music industry. Show more
Danish crime drama. The health of Maria and Thorstein’s baby improves a little and they are able to put the transplant plans on hold. Rolf travels to France to chase up a lead. Show more
Featuring special performances from the acclaimed band Old Blind Dogs, recorded for the Trad Awards 2020. Show more
Mischa MacPherson looks back at Celtic Connections 2022 in this compilation programme, featuring some of the best musicians and concerts from the festival. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.