Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha a h-uile duine trang an-diugh ach chan eil duine nas trainge na na cearcan. Everyone is busy today but no one is busier than the hens. Show more
Tha Am Màidsear ’s Beag Chlangair san long-chiùil, ag iasgach san adhair. Am Màidsear and Beag Chlangair are in the music boat, fishing in the sky. Show more
Fox is fed up with Tusk always showing off his toughness. When Cousin comes over to stay, Fox is really eager to prove that Cousin is even more tough than Tusk. Show more
Tha trioblaid mhòr aig AH-AH an-diugh oir tha e air cuileag a shluigeadh. AH-AH has a big problem today as he has swallowed a fly. Show more
Children’s Day is approaching, and Petit and his friends decide they will give their parents clues on what gift they want. Show more
Catriona Mhoireach a’ leughadh Tad. A bedtime story for young children. Catriona Murray reads Tad. Show more
Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. This episode features Berta, a young wild boar growing up in the forests of Europe. Show more
An e cuibhl' an fhortain a tha seo? Is this the wheel of fortune?
Leis an teirm a’ tighinn gu crìch, tha fadachd air a h-uile duine rèis mhòr nan tidseir fhaicinn. The term is ending and the school looks forward to the teachers’ big race. Show more
Tha Mata is Borca ri sabaid – cò am buannaiche agus cò bhios na Shàr Cheannard? Mata and Borca fight, who will be the winner and who will be the ultimate leader? Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Ewen Henderson talks about Sìleas na Ceapaich’s poem Do dh’Arm Rìgh Sheumais. Eòghain MacEanruig le iomradh air dàn Shìlis na Ceapaich 'Do dh’Arm Rìgh Sheumais'. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Mar is abhaist tha Peadar trang a' toirt beò na tha e a' faicinn le suil a mhac-meanmna. Peter has been busy bringing his imagination to life. Show more
A look back at stories from the BBC Gaelic current affairs series, including domestic violence in the Western Isles and computing being introduced into the school curriculum. Show more
Biadh ann an aon phoit à Ameireaga a Deas, an Fhraing agus an Spàinn a th’ aig na seòid. The lads cook using only one pot, making South American, French and Spanish meals. Show more
How the Highlands made the ideal military training ground during World War II. Freagarrachd na Gaidhealtachd airson trèanadh sònraichte airm tron Dara Cogadh. Show more
Mario is sold into hard labour but plans to escape. The police locate the garden centre where the trafficked Romanians were taken. Danish crime drama. Show more
Phil Coineagain, Karen NicMhathain & caraidean-ciùil. Featuring Phil Cunningham, Karen Matheson and musical friends. Show more
Mischa MacPherson presents a compilation programme of some of the best musicians and concerts from Celtic Connections 2022, including Fiona Hunter, Kim Carnie and Cameron Nixon. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.