Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Fox is fed up with Tusk always showing off his toughness. When Cousin comes over to stay, Fox is really eager to prove that Cousin is even more tough than Tusk. Show more
Tha Linda a’ tadhal air Meaban is Moo gus dùbhlan a chur romhpa. An-diugh feumaidh iad paidhrichean a lorg. Linda visits Meaban and Moo with a challenge to find pairs. Show more
Tha tubaist aig Uircean ‘s tha Pip a' cur plàstair air a gualainn goirt. Uircean has an accident and Pip puts a plaster on her sore shoulder. Show more
Tha Rita agus Crogall a’ dol dhan taigh-dhealbh an duigh a dh’fhaicinn fiolm dìreach mu shìthichean. Rita and Crocodile go to the cinema today to see a film all about fairies. Show more
Célestine and Ernest take in a little wild goose. Célestine would like to keep it, but maybe it would be better to listen to Ernest and teach it to fly? Show more
Huggleboo is going to make a plum pie with grandma, but buzzing wasps are bothering them. Show more
Donald Smith reads An Ròn Beag by Janis Mackay, illustrated by Gabby Grant and translated into Gaelic by Jo Macdonald. Show more
An Saoghal Droil aig Pol Ploc/The Rubbish World of Dave Spud
Series 2
An Fhìdeag-theasairginn/Two Toots Spud
11 minutes on BBC ALBA
Dave and his friends get lost on a school orienteering exercise thanks to Robert Robot, who is unable to read the map. Show more
Tha Stella a' toirt seachad phrèasant Santa Dìomhair annasach. Stella gives away an unusual Secret Santa present. Show more
Tha Deuchainn ’son dealbh-chluich na sgoile gus bhith ann – ciamar a thèid dha Stella? The auditions for the school play are going to take place, how will Stella get on? Show more
Tha Tòmas airson a bhith na bhuachaille nuair a dh’ fhàsas e mòr. Tòmas wants to be a herdsman when he grows up. Show more
A’ leantainn croitear òg na dhàrna bliadhna mar croitear làn ùine. Following young farmer 'Sweeny' in his second year as a full-time crofter. Show more
Tòmas MacAilpein is Joy’s studio guest and Calum Maclean is on an historical trail as he introduces us to the story of the heroic Vatersay Raiders. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Andrew MacKinnon examines a Danish drug that fights obesity by suppressing appetite. With demand growing, the drug’s developer Novo Nordisk is now worth over $500bn. But is it the answer for obesity? Show more
We learn about the grey seal, a powerful predator, often underestimated by humans, that resides on Europe’s coast and has recently returned to the North Sea and the Baltic. Show more
Còmhlan folk-tradaiseanta à Canada a’ cluich am port aca Before My Time. Canadian trio perform one of their tunes mixing traditional folk with a trance-folk beat.
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Includes problems at the ferry office, an all-action grudge against the boss in the workplace and an everlasting proposal. Show more
Young humanitarian Gemma Steele's special relationship with Kenya. Show more
Ramsay MacMahon is in Glen Affric with Erica MacPherson. Ramsay MacMahon agus Erica Nic a’ Phearsain còmhla ann an Gleann Aifrig. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.