Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha cabhag mhòr air AH-AH oir feumaidh e a bhith an àiteigin. AH-AH is in a great hurry as he has to be somewhere. Show more
Tha aoidh spaideil air chèilidh air an tuathanas ach saoil an còrd a’ chùis rithe? There’s a posh visitor at the farm today, but will she enjoy the experience? Show more
Tha Meanbh is Beag ’son rudan a cheartachadh an dèidh dhaibh tubaist adbharachadh. Meanbh and Beag want to correct things after they cause an accident. Show more
Augustin claims to have seen the famous beast that lurks by the lake. Célestine and her friends immediately ask Ernest to take them there! Show more
Owl wants to enter a drawing contest, but fearing his work is not good enough, he throws it away. Fox brings the discarded drawing to Hare and they decide to send it in secretly. Show more
Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. This episode features Momo, the Japanese macaque, through the four seasons of his first year. Show more
Feumar a bhith faiceallach nuair a thathar a’ gabhail geàrr-shligh’. One must be careful when taking a shortcut. Show more
Chan eil Mgr Mackle idir toilichte ‘s e airson faighinn a-mach cò mhill a’ chlach le peant! Mr Mackle is not happy and wants to find out who has vandalised the stone with paint! Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Ramsay MacMahon walks the coastline of south Ayrshire with Niall O’Gallagher. Tha Ramsay MacMahon air chuairt ann an Siorrachd Àir a Deas le Niall O’Gallagher. Show more
Summer and it is time to lift early potatoes, while Peter finds caterpillars on the cabbage! Samhradh agus buntàta ùr deiseil airson an togail, ach nach eil burraich air feadh a’chàil. Show more
Will the truth finally come out on the day of Sìleas and Seumas’s vow renewal in a dramatic series finale? Show more
Live football action from the SPFL Trust Trophy. The second semi-final sees League One side Falkirk take on Welsh team The New Saints. Show more
Phil Coineagain, Karen NicMhathain & caraidean-ciùil. Featuring Phil Cunningham, Karen Matheson and musical friends. Show more
We learn about the lynx, Europe’s largest wild cat that has now returned to hunt in the continent’s forests. Show more
Torcuil the poet and a teapot cause Peter the inventor to set off on a strange, paradox-filled journey. Show more
Mischa MacPherson presents a compilation programme of some of the best musicians and concerts from Celtic Connections 2022, including Fiona Hunter, Kim Carnie and Cameron Nixon. Show more
A chuid as fhearr bho àrd-ùrlar Grassroots aig Belladrum, 2022, nam measg, Matlida Mann. Highlights from the Belladrum Grassroots stage, including singer Matlida Mann. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.