FRANCIS JACKSON organ of York Minster on gramophone records
A weekly review of the arts
In this, edition:
LAURENCE KITCHIN on the English Stage Company's production of Julius Caesar , directed by Lindsay Anderson at the Royal Court Theatre
CHRISTINE BROOKE-ROSE discusses her new novel Out with ERIC RHODE
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Fifth of six programmes illustrating the career of Nikos Skalkottas
At the end of his life, Debussy wrote a number of works which for many years proved much harder to understand than most of his music. Tonight one of these is juxtaposed with a work for the same instruments by Skalkoltas.
Piero GUARINO (piano)
Final programme, with late works by Skalkottas, Schoen berg, and Hindemith: Dec. 18
Four talks by Erich Heller
2: The World of Things and the World of Inwardness
Erich Heller discusses some characteristic works of ' Romantic art ' which, by virtue of their preoccupation with external shapes,' seem to contradict Hegel's doctrine of the ' Romantic inwardness ': Flemish painting from the van Eycks to Quentin Massys, the ' naturalism ' of Rembrandt, and the Hellenism ef the Italian Rennaissance. Yet even there Erich Heller believes the Hegelian retreat of the' Spirit into human subjectivity can be seen to take its inevitable course-for instance. in Jan van Eyck 's painting of the Arnolfini, Michelangelo's Pieta Rondanini , or Rembrandt's late self-portraits.
The Prince of the Romantic Inwardness: December 9
Missa in Nativitate Sanctae Mariae Virginis to music from Gradualia Book 1 and Mass for five voices
Introit: Salve sancta Parens Kyrie eleison; Gloria
Gradual: Benedicta et venerabilis es
Alleluia Verse: Alleluia. Felix es, sacra Virgo Maria
Organ: A fancy Credo
Offertory: Beataes, Virgo Maria Organ: A Voluntarie for my ladye Nevell
Sanctus: -Benedictus Agnus Dei
Communion Verse: Beata viscera
Introduced by Jeremy Noble
Recorded at a public concert on July 16 at the Guild Church of St. Andrew. Holborn Viaduct. London followed by an interlude at 10.5S