Four talks by Erich Heller
2: The World of Things and the World of Inwardness
Erich Heller discusses some characteristic works of ' Romantic art ' which, by virtue of their preoccupation with external shapes,' seem to contradict Hegel's doctrine of the ' Romantic inwardness ': Flemish painting from the van Eycks to Quentin Massys, the ' naturalism ' of Rembrandt, and the Hellenism ef the Italian Rennaissance. Yet even there Erich Heller believes the Hegelian retreat of the' Spirit into human subjectivity can be seen to take its inevitable course-for instance. in Jan van Eyck 's painting of the Arnolfini, Michelangelo's Pieta Rondanini , or Rembrandt's late self-portraits.
The Prince of the Romantic Inwardness: December 9