A postscript
SPECULATION AND PROGRESS by N. R. Hanson Professor of History andi Logic of Science, Indiana University
The recent series on Quanta and Reality presented some of the conflicting views on modern physics. Professor Hanson reflects on what was said, and comments on the place of speculation, orthodoxy, dogma, and heresy in the development of scientific theory.
A work for cello andi piano played by the St. Cecilia Duo
Normar. Jonesi (cello) Robin' Woodi (piano)
The composer and title of the work will be announced after the performance.
A pseudo-drama by EUGENE IONESCO translated by Donald Watson
with Eithne Dunne as Madeleine
Kenneth Griffith as Choubert
Harold Pinter as The Detective
John Slater as Nicolas Second
Special effects by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Production by Martin Esslin
Orchestra of Sudwestfunk, Baden-Baden
Conducted by Hansi Rosbaud
Six Pieces, Op. 6 (Webern)
Ballet for twelve dancers: Agon
(Stravinsky) on a gramophone record
by I. A. Richards
Dr. Richards speaks about the relationship between science and poetry, and the failure of contemporary poetry to exploit the imaginative excitement presented by scientific development.
: second broadcast