Lamar Crowson (piano)
Gloria Lane (mezzo-soprano)
Geoffrey Parsons (piano)
(first performance in this country)
(The songs are recorded)
A second programme of American songs and piano music: December IS
In a series of seven programmes classical scholars and archaeologists examine the light thrown by increased archaeological and linguistic knowledge on the question of how fifth-century Greece developed those features that set it apart from earlier and contemporary civilisations.
I-The Question of Continuity
R. A. CROSSLAND, Professor of Greek in the University of Sheffield, considers the possibility of cultural survivals from the end of Mycenae to the first classical Greek cities.
of the sixteenth century
Julian Bream (lute)
The Story of a Conversion
Arranged by Rayner Heppenstall from the novel by John Henry (later Cardinal) Newman, 1848
Father Domenico de Matre Dei ,
Superior of San Michaele. Ian Sadler
Representatives of the more unusual religions:
Produced by Rayner Heppenstall
(The recorded broadcast of April 15)