Songs of Alexander Macdonald
Introduced and sung by J. C. M. Campbell
Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair , or Alexander Macdonald , is considered by many to have been the supreme Gaelic poet of eighteenth-century Scotland. He was also a mouthpiece for the ideas and loyalties that inspired the Jacobite rebellions, and it is this aspect of his poetry and song that James Campbell takes for the theme of this programme.
Walter Gieseking (piano)
A topical programme on the arts, literature, and entertainment
Three speakers comment on whatever seems of most immediate interest in the world of the various arts: exhibitions, new productions in the theatre, new films and books.
Anonymous ballads, and poems by Villon, Charles d'Orleans, Clement Marot , Ronsard, and Louise Lab6 , read by Edwige Feuillere , Sylvia Monfort , and Jean Vilar
Translations by Rayner Heppenstall ,
John Petrie. Frances Cornford , and Margaret Bottrall , read by Hedii Anderson and Duncan Mclntyre
This is the first of a group of eight programmes compiled by Rayner Heppen stall from the personal choices of four leading French actors and actresses.
To be repeated on October 7
Das musikalische Opfer
Basle Chamber Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Sacher
(Recording made available by courtesy of Radio Basel, Societe Suisse de Radiodiffusion)
or 'Round the Heart in Any Year *
A morality by George Barker with music composed by Lennox Berkeley
Production by Douglas Cleverdon
Sinfonia of London conducted by the composer
Musette accordion, Albert Delroy
This play has been sub-titled a morality because it is about a voyage of redemption-undertaken by a pair of twins, Peter and Josephus Amadeus , together with an Irish joker by the name of Jimmy Hill. The episodes of the play are designed to represent a set of allegories on the evolution of the human heart.
Being episodes in the family life of a professional man of letters
Episode 5 by Angus Wilson
Production by Christopher Sykea
(EEC recording)
Te Deum
(sung in Latin)
The Robert Shaw Chorale (Conductor. Robert Shaw ) NEC Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Arturo Toscanini on gramophone records
by Max Beerbohm
On December 29, 1935, Sir Max Beer bohm gently delivered the first of the broadcast talks that were to enlarge a hundredfold the circle of his admirers. Imagining himself a visitor from the twenty-first century, he was able to take pleasure in those fragments of the London scene that still remained unchanged from the Edvardian era.