Virtuoso Chamber Ensemble:
Edward Walker (flute) Leon Goossens (oboe) Sidney Fell (clarinet)
Ronald Waller (bassoon)
John Burden (horn)
Willem de Mont (cello)
James W. Merrett (double-bass)
Lyra String Quartet: Granville Casey (violin)
John Crossan (violin)
John Linn (viola)
John Mclnulty (cello)
Last of four programmes
A monthly series on current questions in architecture and town planning
Brighton to Blackpool
A case for regional planning by Sir Patrick Abercrombie F.R.I.B.A., M.T.P.I.
In last month's talk in this series Christopher Tunnard of Yale University considered the case for regional planning over the many large, continuous urban areas of the United States. In this talk Sir Patrick Abercrombie stresses the need for regional as against local planning in Britain. Sir Patrick, whose Greater London Plan was accepted by the Government just ten years ago, devotes part of his talk to the special problems of London.
Preludes and Fugues
(Das wohltemperirte Clavier, Book 2) No. 1, in C; No. 2, in C minor; No. 3. in C sharp; No. 4, in C sharp minor; No. 6 in D minor played by Rosalyn Tureck (piano) on gramophone records
A topical programme on the arts, literature, and entertainment
In this edition John Hale , lain Hamilton, and Peter Heyworth comment on some of the drama, music, and opera being presented in the second week of the Edinburgh International Festival.
The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain
Conductor, Walter Susskind
Part 1
Translated and adapted from
Jules Huret 's ' Enquete sur l'Evolution Littéraire' by Robert Baldick D.Phil. ,
Fourth of six programmes
Part 2
Symphony No. 5, in C minor. Beethoven
From the Usher Hall, Edinburgh
A theological eclogue on Gerard Manley Hopkins by George Barker
Production by Douglas Cleverdon and
The Diary of the Man who Vanished
English version by Bernard Keeffe
Richard Lewis (tenor)
Maureen Forrester (contralto)
Ernest Lush (piano) with members of the BBC Singers