An opera in two acts
Libretto by Sonnleithner and Treitschke
Music by Beethoven
(sung in German)
Vienna State Opera Chorus
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Producer, Heinz Tietjen
6.56-7.20 app. Act 1
Scene 1: A room in the gaoler's house
Scene 2: The inner courtyard of the prison
7.50 app.-9.0 ACT 2
Scene 1: A subterranean cell in the prison Scene 2: The square outside the prison
(Relayed from Vienna by courtesy of Oesterreichiscber Rund/unk)
See pages 3 and 4
by Sacheverell Sitwell
A talk suggested by the exhibition of Portuguese Art from 800 to 1800, now on view at the Royal Academy, London.
' followed by an interlude at 7.40 app.
followed by an interlude at 9.0
An account of the Lisbon earthquake of All Saints' Day, 1755
Written by Francis Watson
String Quartet played by Loewenguth Quartet on gramophone records
A poem by Jon Silkin : with music composed by Elisabeth Lutyens
played by George Malcolm