Sacred Songs
Vergine bella; Vexilla Regis ;
Flos Florum
Pro Musica Antiqua
Director, Safford Cape on gramophone records
A discussion between
Margaret Macdonald
Reader in Philosophy
In the University of London and John Hospers
Associate Professor of Philosophy in the University of Minnesota
'The critic's job is to increase our understanding and appreciation of works of art.' What then is the philosopher's job in this connection?
Jean St. Clair (speaker)
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Granville Jones )
Conducted by Hermann Scherchen
Part 1
(first performance in this country)
7.22 app. The Riverrun, for speaker and orchestra (words by James Joyce , from the final chapter of Finnegans Wake)..Humphrey Searle
(first broadcast in this country)
A book review by the Rev. Canon J. E. Fison
There have been many books recently dealing with The Christian Hope, and Canon Fison has himself contributed a work on this subject. In this talk he looks at a work of New Testament scholarship by Dr. G. R. Beasley -Murray, dealing with the meaning of the Gospel according to St. Mark, chapter 13.
Part 2
(first broadcast in this country)
Terence Prittie , Manchester Guardian correspondent in Germany, talks about the way in which relations may be expected to develop between Federal Germany and the Eastern bloc.
A new play by Philip Vellacott
Music by Anthony Bernard
Radio adaptation and production by Raymond Raikes
London Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Thomas Carter ) conducted by the composer
The scene is the island of Ogygia in the Mediterranean Sea. The action of the play covers a period of fifty-seven years in about the thirteenth century B.C.
of the eighteenth century
Musica da Camera:
Harold Clarke (flute)
Vera Kantrovitch (violin)
Tessa Robbins (violin)
Joy Hall (cello)
Hubert Dawkes (harpsichord)
Solo Sonata in D minor. Op. 1 No. 1, for violin and continuo. Joseph Gibbs
Sonata in B flat, Op. 7 No. 3, for harpsichord, two violins, and. cello
Charles Avison
Solo Sonata in E minor. Op. 4 No. 2, for flute and continuo...John Stanley
Trio Sonata No. 8. in E flat, for two violins and continuo. William Boyce
This is the first of a series of programmes of eighteenth-century English chamber music, devised and edited by Stanley Sadie.