Rene Soames (tenor)
The Harvey Phillips
String Orchestra
(Led by Lorraine du Val )
Conductor, Harvey Phillips
from Samuel Cooper to Gwen John
Talk by Geoffrey Grigson
Wilhelm Kempff (piano)
A tragi-comedy by Henry Reed
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
(Continued in next column)
The music arranged by Denis Stevens from Mantuan composers including
Frescobaldi, Gastoldi,
Merulo Monteverdi , Rossi, and de Wert
April Cantelo (soprano)
Desmond DuprS (lute)
Charles Spinks (harpsichord, organ)
The Ambrosian Singers
An Instrumental Ensemble
(led by Neville Marriner )
Directed by Denis Stevens
The time is the late Renaissance in Italy, between the years 1580 and 1612. The scenes are Mantua, Parma, Florence, Venice, and Colorno.
Quintet in A, Op. 146 played by the Melos Ensemble:
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Eli Goren (violin)
Ivor McMahon (violin) Cecil Aronowitz (viola)
Terence Weil (cello)
Reger's Violin Sonata: May 20